...Midweek Pishure Blug

Posted by Ronnica on March 2, 2011, 7:25 p.m.

Because it's the middle of the week and there are pictures here of some of YOU!

On my last day off work and today, I rekindled my passion for the Sims. I've always loved that "game." I think Sims2 is my favorite because you can't make people in Sims3 as detailed as you can on 2. Then again, the first Sims was way more fun when it came to killing them and watching them glitch to freedom. What should I do with the following characters?

Also, my apologies about the picture quality. I had to take a cellphone picture from my brother's TV, send it to Facebook, "download" the image, upload it to Photobucket, resize, and now post. Enjoy!

Firestormx himself!

This is Ferret =D

Cyrus is missing his sombrero

Kilin's hair is all wrong

Kenon's hair is pretty right

Stevenup7002 is enjoying his Macbook

Rez is busy pixilating stuff.

Zane just happens to be Rez with blond hair

ChIkEn is silly

DSG with no duckface

and my personal favorite, Cesque!

I don't know why Photobucket says Cesque's picture is resized, why clearly it's not. I've tried to fix this four times already. Oh well. CESQUE XL in small now? WTF PHOTOBUCKET.

To all of you doing final exams/mid terms and whatever the heck else, I wish you well and remember to



thernz 13 years, 11 months ago


Ronnica 13 years, 11 months ago

@ Scott : The adjustable bodies is awesome! I always make myself with the largest breasts. It does let you adjust features for characters but not to the extremes of Sims2 which can morph them into real look a-likes to crazy beasts. I would choose Sims2 over 3 for that reason alone.

@ Cesq : I tried to make him look like you, and dressed him like your avatar!! And I play the game with those characters. No funny business! Scouts honor =P

@ Kilin : They're all on young adult settings so they are quite baby-faced. And hats don't look good on Sims >_<

Quietus 13 years, 11 months ago

And hats don't look good on Sims >_<
that just made me realize, where is Juju and his fedora??

Ronnica 13 years, 11 months ago

I will make him in the next set of Sims then. I also tried to make Arc but there is no afro in Sims3 so he looks like it could be him, JID or mazimadu (inb4 all black guys look the same.)

Quietus 13 years, 11 months ago

no one has an afro like that man.

they don't look exactly alike though.. Arc is scrawnier than JID, and mazi probably looks different too given he's actually from africa somewhere. man we're seriously lacking in black guys, i thought we had more than that.

haha now that i think about it, when George is the most tan out of that whole list it's pretty sad..

Castypher 13 years, 11 months ago

What the hell is this?

*deletes accidental double-post*

Unaligned 13 years, 11 months ago

Well that was funny

Ronnica 13 years, 11 months ago

@ Cy : I see what you did there.

Castypher 13 years, 11 months ago

You also forgot Zane's Link hat and mini sword.

sirxemic 13 years, 11 months ago

I lolled a bit.