...Is Anyone Out There?

Posted by Ronnica on May 21, 2011, 11:44 a.m.

Very long.

My friend David is ridiculous. About a week ago, he had learned of this rapture stuff, "educated" himself on it, and believes it with all his being.

Now, for those of you who don't know, David and his brother have been friends with my brother and I for about 11 years. We're the same age, and those kinds of kids who call each others parents mom and dad.

David's dad (whom I call Papa) is a Christian preacher/pastor whatever you want to call it. When poor David was sitting around the house, his dad got a hold of him, explained this to him, gave him websites, videos, books, Bible scriptures, everything to convince David this was all true, and it worked.

Even though Papa would be out in the world, spreading the news of salvation to people, us kids would be at home, doing things we shouldn't be doing. Remember when some kids' parents wouldn't let them play Pokemon or video games with violence? Our parents were like that yet we still got away with it. We troll /b/ and swear and curse and come up with whatever vulgarity is possible. David was the one with the severe knowledge of all things obscure and not-right.

Eg. "Hey David, how's it going?"

He'd say, "Lick my asshole and find out!" and we'd all laugh.

Anyways, this somehow became an eye-opener for him and for the last three days, he'd be coming to work all sad and discouraged and puffy eyed from crying for our souls or something. My brother told me not to poke fun at him, and just wait for him to get over it.

My brother and I grew up in church too, and when we moved away we were at church five days a week. We had real good teachings of the Bible and we were taught how to pray, pray for others, preach, and basically become outstanding Christians.

These days my brother is getting us banned from /b/ and you all know how I am ;]

We would debate with David, telling him that his change of ways is startling. Finding Christ because you're afraid of going to Hell is wrong, and that he should follow Jesus because he loves him blah blah blah

David would tell us what his dad told him, and just "how logical it all was." Needless to say, we were quite ashamed of him.

My brother said to him, "David, you're dad has been telling you all this YOUR WHOLE LIFE! God could have been here yesterday! You've had your whole life to follow him. Now, because someone does some math or whatever you change your ways completely? Why didn't you change your ways after the car accident? We almost died, and we would have gone to Hell, assuming there is one. Do you honestly think or feel 'saved'?"

To which David answered yes.

"If you were like this the whole time we've known you, it wouldn't be such a big deal, but to blindly follow some guy who tells you your savior is coming, and changing yourself overnight, is just fake and concerning. We don't know you."

Then David teared up, shut up, and didn't talk to us much during work.

When we drove home, David got out of the car and very dramatically looks at us and goes, "Goodbye Josue. Goodbye Veronica." shuts the door and walks away.



Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

Even though I first learned about this from RC's blog earlier this month, it's one guy with numbers. He's old and is probably doing this because he's either insane or going to die soon anyway. Besides, if people like your brother, myself, or any other typical human are destined for Hell, then I think Heaven will be a very lonely place.

This is why I'm not a fan of organized religion. I'd like to think that as long as you live a good life by your own standards, you'll end up happy in the afterlife. Not to say there shouldn't be moral boundaries, because I don't know a lot of people who kill and say God wanted them too. We're not in the Crusades.

But friends will be friends, no matter how easily convinced they are (in some cases). Just visit him tomorrow and pretend like nothing happened.

Ronnica 13 years, 9 months ago

We're bringing him a My Little Pony doll and some Coca-Cola and singing "Welcome Back" tonight XD

Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

One thing that irks me is that he has the ego to think he's "saved" and you're not. Deathbed repentances aren't necessarily a sign of real sorrow for one's actions.

But other than that, you can watch MLP and have a Rapture party full of love and morals and (God forbid) more pink.

I'll bring the vodka. Or rose wine for (God forbid) even more pink.

Except I turn 21 in October when the world supposedly ends. My sister's birthday is today and my birthday is at the end of the Tribulation period.

Well shit.

Moikle 13 years, 9 months ago

6:09 and I can now confirm that the world hasn't ended here. i think.

Ronnica 13 years, 9 months ago

@ Kilin: That's nothing but bad luck.

And a lot of pink.

Tell her I says HAPPY BIRTHDAY

@ Moikle: I'll get the tequila.

Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

I said VODKA. It has to be vodka.

Moikle 13 years, 9 months ago

Send it over here in England please.

Castypher 13 years, 9 months ago

That's some pretty gruesome stuff, but I wouldn't necessarily say it's all linked to Christians. I'm sure plenty of other people came up with or used it, Christian or not. Besides, you can't say Christians today are much like they ever were at any point in history, kind of like how you can't say all Germans support Hitler.

Quietus 13 years, 9 months ago

people are funny lol.

Alert Games 13 years, 9 months ago

You says not for the weak minded, but it actually does seem like its for the weak minded if you want someone to change their mind only from reading that.