Last night, my sister completely screwed me over in terms of MSN. She somehow knew my password to MSN, something I did not know she knew. She got it from me being off the computer, but leaving my e-mail open. She got on and saw my password in some e-mail. So when some guy comes around being controlled by a bot and sends my account a link to "'d reccomend not going here)" . That site takes you to an fake MSN login box, where she promptly entered my MSN information, for some reason I don't yet know. Well, she gets off, and a few minutes later I come back. I don't suspect anything is wrong, so I get off. I wake up this morning to about five people asking what is wrong with me, what is that link, etc. Well I don't have a clue what they are talking about, until Josh asks me "How fucking stupid are you?" talking about me "giving my info to that site". Well, I found out some dude in Panama now had my info and was using me to spread its link all around MSN. Apperently, its a money making scam, but I don't know. I changed my password on hotmail to solve all the problems. Well, that should be the end of it all, except..
I need to to know what I should do to my sister for using my password to get on something I didn't approve of, and giving some random guy over in Panama my password. Any suggestions?
Decapitation is always a viable option.
Give your computer a scary background lol.
Bitch-slap her and steal her Mybebobook whatever login and dump her boyfriend/friends through it.
^ Do both GHG's and DF's.
Get a keylogger and find all of her passwords.
Email all of her friends saying you hate them.Upload any weird pictures of her you might have to her Myspace or Facebook or whatever.Damn…. Epic Post.
Preferably, I like the last part of Arc killing Ross =p