Vengeance on a Sibling

Posted by Ross on Aug. 6, 2008, 11:54 a.m.

Hello again, faithful 64Digits users. To those who read my last blog: (MSN Troubles) , you know I was taking ideas for how to get back at my sister for giving out my password to my MSN to a random site that used me to spread a bot. Well, I received many good ideas, the best probably coming from Flashback, who suggested that Fire is the ultimate solution.

So I decided to have a little fun. See, she leaves her Yahoo Messenger on every night for an unknown reason. So I decided to get on and talk to a few of her best friends. After a few minutes of just deciding who was who, I was able to find her best friend on her Contact List. Well, I started a fight that lasted for about five minutes, then called her a slut and blocked her. The fun part is, that girl is supposed to spend the night over at our house tonight. So I'm going to be entertained tonight.

Also, for Flashback's pleasure, and because he asked me to, I have included this: Cats.


Kamira 16 years, 5 months ago

Dude, you definitley have to tell us how it goes with that friend who was supposed to spend the night.

Gamer3D 16 years, 5 months ago

That is a very nasty response to something that might not have been her fault anyway. Also, have you considered the legal consequenses of stealing your sister's identity?

As another thing, being rude to your sister's friend was riddiculously irresposible. I wouldn't be surprised if your sister responds by finding your passwords and locking YOU out by changing them.

Ross 16 years, 5 months ago

That is a very nasty response to something that might not have been her fault anyway. Also, have you considered the legal consequenses of stealing your sister's identity?

As another thing, being rude to your sister's friend was riddiculously irresposible. I wouldn't be surprised if your sister responds by finding your passwords and locking YOU out by changing them.

Erm, it was her fault. She even told me she did it for fun to get me mad.

And just for kicks, I'll add she's gotten on my MSN quite a few times.

Biggs 16 years, 5 months ago

You should've gotten her drunk and impregnated her so she'll have a mutant incest-baby.

That would teach her.

Gamer3D 16 years, 5 months ago

Do the kool-aid idea. I want to know if that prank works. PM me with the results. Better yet, do the kool-aid prank on her friend tonight and plant the evidence (kool-aid packet) on your sister. But whatever you do, DON'T ruin your sister's friendships. Blue skin will go away in a week or so, but an emotional scar will last a lifetime.

I personally suggest that you unblock your sister's friend, and try your best to undo the damage. BEFORE TONIGHT. If it comes down to it, confess your guilt to your sister's friend before she comes in the door.

Also, use the hand in warm water prank on your sister later.

Kamira 16 years, 5 months ago

Ok, so wtf?

You say getting her friends mad is bad but dying her and her friends with Kool-aid powder is ok? Dude, your logic is screwed up.

I'ma try that Kool-aid thing on myself some day.

Plus, trust me, emotional scars last nowhere near as long as a lifetime. I've been very mad at Ross before and… said some st00f, but we're still friends.

Besides, they'd have to be pretty dumb to not figure out it was a prank

Gamer3D 16 years, 5 months ago

Dying skin with food products is something I've tried (food coloring on hand). It goes away in a couple of days without ANY lasting harm. Destroying a friendship is nearly impossible to repair. On that note, maybe you shouldn't implicate your sister if you kool-aid her friend. Implicate your cat. (Kool-aid packet is slightly shredded (knife), and dragged around near victim, then left). Also, a light sprinkling of kool-aid powder on the cat would help.

Siert 16 years, 5 months ago


I think I've lost wherever these comments are going…

F1ak3r 16 years, 5 months ago

@Biggs: People without sisters don't understand how WRONG the stuff they say is.

Gamer3D 16 years, 5 months ago

@F1ak3r: Agreed.