Riddle Me This #2

Posted by Ross on May 22, 2009, 4:51 p.m.

1. What is as big as you are and yet does not weigh anything?

Your shadow, of course.

2. Paul’s height is six feet, he’s an assistant at a butcher’s shop, and wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh on the average day at the shop?


3. I'm small as an apple, but I can fill a room. What am I?

A lightbulb

4. Who added the 4th riddle?


5. How overrated is cheese?

Pretty damn overrated. Unless it's cheddar, in which case I love it.


OBELISK 15 years, 8 months ago


Cesar 15 years, 8 months ago

1) A flying version of yourself

2) He's an assistant. Assistants don't actually ever touch meat, and thus he doesn't weigh anything.

3) An apple. In a very, very small room

4) [shlongbeast] did. What a fag.

5) Underrated

6) lolwut

Juju 15 years, 8 months ago

He's an assistant. Assistants don't actually ever touch meat, and thus he doesn't weigh anything.
I think we've found a solution to riddle 1: A butcher's assistant version of myself.

MMOnologueguy 15 years, 8 months ago

The plot thickens.

Lol, a death threat.

sirxemic 15 years, 8 months ago

4) [shlongbeast] did. What a fag.
Stupid usertag >_>

JW 15 years, 8 months ago

1 my ego

2 meat

3 a small-room owner

4 thats a trick question

5 -20.5%

sirxemic 15 years, 8 months ago

I know I shouldn't take it seriously, but meh:

1. Not a shadow for sure, since it doesn't have a volume.

2. I have to confirm what an assistant has to do exactly. Weighing meat is something the butcher should be doing me thinks.

3. An atomic bomb as large as an apple. It fills the room with a huge force.

4. Which fourth riddle? And added to what? You have to be precise you know!

5. Cheese is not overrated nor underrated. What kind of question is that!?

OBELISK 15 years, 8 months ago

Shut the fuck up, [shlongbeast]. I've had enough of your shit.

Acid 15 years, 8 months ago

1. Me in space.

2. Meat


4. Ross

5. It's fine.

sirxemic 15 years, 8 months ago

Shut the fuck up, [shlongbeast]. I've had enough of your shit.