Anyone here dabble with MATLAB?

Posted by Ross on Jan. 23, 2013, 11:01 p.m.

We use MATLAB a lot in my Engineering studies, but as far as programming goes the thing is just a glorified calculator on steroids. I've heard of people actually making playable games and even executables using it, and I immediately wondered if anyone in the wonderful land of 64D ever tried anything like it. I know the syntax in MATLAB is incredibly similar to C++ so it wouldn't be all that difficult in theory.

But anyway, to make this more like a blog. I'm almost halfway through Mechanical Engineering studies and MATLAB + AutoCAD/Solidworks for 3D modelling is definitely the most fun I have in any of my classes. I really do think using GM as a young teenager really helped my ability to jump right into programming in any language and become proficient immediately after learning the syntax. The algorithm building crap is just learned after repeated trial and error, so I owe Mark Overmars a little credit once I eventually get done with school. I've pulled a nice 3.93 GPA too, so life is going pretty smooth.

Finally, word on the street is that 64D people are sexier then your average Joe Schmoe. I think I can confirm. Good work guys.


Ross 12 years ago

I guess it's just never bothered me too terribly much. By chance did you ever try to create an executable with it? Apparently it supports a pretty shoddy version of object based programming, but I've never seen someone actually complete a project like that with it.

flashback 12 years ago

Its OO is… exciting to say the least. All I ever did was scripting up various algorithms for Numerical Methods class.

Ross 12 years ago

Ah, gotcha. Were you in an Engineering field?

flashback 12 years ago

Computing Science.

Ross 12 years ago

Cool, cool. Most people I know that ever are exposed to MATLAB are Engineering. Even Software Engineers and Computer Science guys just use C or Java almost exclusively while in school.

SteveKB 12 years ago

I agree with flashback, at my college there is one course that requires you to program in MATLAB and it's an engineering major requirement. every other cs major variation requires absolutely no required use of MATLAB. I guess it's good for engineers or something? but it's not really good for anything else for practicality.

Cesar 12 years ago

This just in, Mathematica is better for everything besides Matrices.

Yaru 12 years ago

Tip: Do NOT make games in MATLAB. People using MATLAB for making games haven't heard about anything better. (I once heard about a guy that made a game in Microsoft Powerpoint. It was around 200 MB in total, which was huge at that time, especially for a point-n-click adventure game)

colseed 12 years ago

(I once heard about a guy that made a game in Microsoft Powerpoint. It was around 200 MB in total, which was huge at that time, especially for a point-n-click adventure game)
just when you thought there were certain things you couldn't make a game in…

JuurianChi 12 years ago

just when you thought there were certain things you couldn't make a game in…

You didn't know?

Well, welcome to the 21st century, We have lesbians.