It's a rainy 4th of July

Posted by Ross on July 4, 2013, 5:27 p.m.

So I had wicked plans of going to the river and eating BBQ and watching fireworks but then the entire state of Alabama got rained out… so that all got cancelled.

So I've been stuck at home all day watching old movies and whatnot, and upong getting on Facebook I noticed something I had never noticed before… that the general population of humans in America are absolute freaking morons. Case in point:

I lol'd until I realized how sad that was.

But that's pretty much all I got. For the nostalgic crowd here I'm getting on Sapphire Tears with a few old 64Ders tonight if anyone wants in.


Ross 11 years, 6 months ago

Playing with the source code of ST is so three years ago

Kamira 11 years, 6 months ago

so i tack a pic of jexx haxin