I'm Back

Posted by Rusky on Feb. 21, 2007, 4:08 p.m.

Yeah, I'm back, like the title says. I've been gone a while, but I've decided to come and post all the games that I have nowhere to post (except the gmc but that's too much of a hassle and my site, but I'm to lazy and gmclans but whatever). So I've submitted a few now, they should be on the front page by the end of the week. At least that's what was told me by the success page.

So- a little about what I've done while I was gone. I went through several torturous projects at school, enjoyed myself at gmclans, looked at some games here and thought 'what n00bs,' and so forth. And just now, I've noticed that I <i>really, really</i> need a new banner. So I'll be working on one of those.

Anywho, I am working on a new website and stuff, hoping the messiness of this entry doesn't discourage you people, while sitting on the couch at my house with a headache. The only good thing about that headache is that, because I have the flu (yes, weird symptoms, I know), I get to stay home and do this stuff all day. Happiness! Hey, maybe that's why this entry is all sloppy. I really need to fix my old entries and stuff.

Edit: I have a new banner now. Abubalay!


shawn 18 years ago

Eh? Who are you?

Rusky 18 years ago

I am your worst nightmare.

no- I just haven't done much here. I prolly will be in the future though.

FireflyX 18 years ago

well whoever you are welcome back

I am working on a new website
with great expense and difficulty, so am i

JoshDreamland 18 years ago

*Golf clap*


I don't pay much attention to people, but er… Welcome back!

Castypher 18 years ago

No idea who you are…but welcome back.

Ah…a website? I'm doing one as well, but in HTML. What language are you using?

god 18 years ago

So I've submitted a few now, they should be on the front page by the end of the week. At least that's what was told me by the success page.
Sorry to burst your bubble but im pretty sure it will take longer than that. The queue has been really long lately. Which you can see by clicking the view Queue button.

Xxypher 18 years ago

hi person i remember you perhaps maybe no

Rusky 18 years ago

I'm doing my website in PHP;

I know the queue is long, I've submitted stuff before.

Thanks for the replies. It seems everyone is in agreement that I didn't do much even before I 'left.' [:)]

Rusky 18 years ago

I made a new banner!

General Grievous 17 years, 10 months ago

Yay. I wish I had a program that made the process of creating GFX eloquent. _sigh_