Oh Noes A Blog

Posted by Rusky on Feb. 15, 2008, 6:53 p.m.

My new site engine (see projects page) is progressing a bit, I've moved some of the code around in the different classes and files to make it easier to expand and starting working on the database layout.

I'm trying to decide how to do the modules or pages or whatever for the content. So far I'm trying a content type engine where it lists the different content types for the template to put where it wants, because my site right now has such a list as the main navigation.

After that I'll probably have to decide for sure how to do the pages, but I'm a bit stuck there. Ideas would be welcome.

Also, ENIGMA. You've probably seen it, if not, check Josh @ Dreamland's page. I'm (trying) to help with that, as of now I'm working on data structures while he works on the var class (or whatever, I think it's finished by now).

You should help. It's a cool idea.

Sploing (http://sploing.abubalay.com) has moved forward the smallest amount possible, I hope to get animations working soon. They can be loaded in from files and stored in memory, I just need to write the script to draw an actor with its animation.

Project Zelda Online (http://www.thundercover.nl) has had its forum remade for about the millionth time, as phpbb and with security actually cared for this time (at least a lot more than before). We've actually figured out some stuff and once we get started with some actual programming beyond engine edits and remakes, we can start working towards a demo.

And we need more people to help now. Programmers (specifically ones competent in Ultimate3D, though we might switch engines if you're better at X3D or something because we lost or only U3D programmer…), 3D Modelers, etc. Even if you don't have any of those skills we could probably still use you. Join!

Homework has slowed down a bit, so I have more time to work on these things. :)


Castypher 17 years ago

What the hell does that banner say? It bothers me. <_<

[deleted user] 17 years ago

Abubalay, it's some old clan thing became website or whatever. It's blurry too.

Rusky 17 years ago

It was a website before a clan thing and then I named the clan after it and then it died. So it doesn't really mean anything, it's just what my website is called.