Drupal Woes

Posted by Rusky on March 7, 2011, 6:02 p.m.

So, Drupal 7 looked like it might be a major improvement over its previous incarnations. It was, and I think you could probably knock out the functionality of 64Digits v2 in a day or less if you knew your way around. However, like any pre-built CMS it has its problems… theming is probably just as painful as always, but that's not what I want to whine about today. Getting sane URLs is pretty much impossible- everything is /node/somestupidnumbernouserwillevercareabout

The Path module, along with the Pathauto module, which for some reason isn't included, can almost fix it by making aliases for everything like /games/some-game-title, but it has to maintain them in a separate list for some reason rather than just dynamically routing the URL. I'd hate to be around if anything got screwed up on a real production site with any amount of content…

I tried mucking around the the Views module, which is pretty cool but not good enough. It's a weird mixture of URL routing and SQL query building with a painful web interface barely helped by the AJAX-loaded forms halfway across the universe from where you click the link to open them. It doesn't seem to be able to actually change the links generated by the site, so everyone ends up getting linked to /node/928374923874.

Time to try another system. I'm sure eventually I'll get around to just writing my site in Django, but I'd prefer not to as web development is not my goal at the moment. Also, no I'm not going to use PHP. Been there, died a thousand deaths and come back. Never again.


Ferret 13 years, 11 months ago

I have no experience in this subject, but I thought you needed a comment so I give you a comment.

Quietus 13 years, 11 months ago

Also, no I'm not going to use PHP. Been there, died a thousand deaths and come back. Never again.
oh haven't we all…

seriously though, if you find an alternative method of coding a site do let us know, cause so far i'm using a basic HTML/CSS setup for mine and i would like to have one of those fancy band sites eventually.

Undeadragons 13 years, 11 months ago


Also, no I'm not going to use PHP. Been there, died a thousand deaths and come back. Never again.

Well, that's one of us that has learnt their lesson.

KaBob799 13 years, 11 months ago

I'm a bit confused, what's the issue with PHP?

sirxemic 13 years, 11 months ago

What's wrong with PHP?

Anyways, then try Python…

Rusky 13 years, 11 months ago

The issue with PHP is that it's horribly unstructured. It's an unpleasant language to use, the standard library is inconsistent, it's only recently gotten slightly sane security-wise and the average quality of code written in PHP is very, very low.

Django is a Python framework. If I do write a system myself I will be using Python.

KaBob799 13 years, 11 months ago

Hmmm, PHP is my favorite language lol. Dunno what the average quality of other peoples code has to do with coding your own site and security is no issue if you know what your doing.

firestormx 13 years, 11 months ago

PHP is a lovely language to use. =3

I'm not sure what you're referring to when you say it's unstrucutred - whether it's the development of PHP itself that is unstructured (ie inconsistent function naming conventions and argument orders) or programming in PHP itself is unstructured (variable types are not defined; you aren't forced to define classes and/or make them public or private, etc…)

However, PHP is quite powerful and simple to use. Here at work, the website applications are all written in JSP, and when compared to the simplicity of PHP, I much prefer PHP…And that's me dealing with JSP AFTER the whole framework here has been built, and stuff, so I don't even have to think about that.

PHP is meant to be a quick and simple language for creating web pages; it's like driving a Honda Civic or something. It does what you need it to, and you can customize it, and make it do some great stuff, etc. It you need something to haul heavy [processing] loads use a more powerful language (ie a truck), or if you need something more structured, get a Ferrari (because the motor is very precise and stuff…I don't know, I'm not good with analogies).

I'm not saying "you're stupid, go back to PHP", or even "don't knock on php', but I'm just throwing it out there that PHP is not a bad language.

Rusky 13 years, 11 months ago

PHP is definitely useful. It powers this site, Facebook, the universe, etc. It's definitely better than writing Java servlets for most things, has better support on web hosts, etc. Its simple one-script-to-one-page setup is somewhat appealing, even. That doesn't make a good language or even not a bad language.

The average quality of others' code matters if you're ever going to 1) ask for help 2) interface with someone's library/framework or 3) try to help someone else. I just don't like the hoards of incompetent PHP programmers when I could use a nicer language that also has a nicer community.

Security, until more recent versions that aren't often supported on web hosts, is a nightmare. Stupid things like register globals, magic quotes and the regular MySQL extension are too easy to mess up with, and you're often not the only one writing code so even when you know what you're doing it's a problem. This is almost the same issue as the community.

I can definitely understand being okay or even liking PHP- I was like that for a long time. But once you try something like Django you see there are much nicer ways to do web development. For example, the database can be abstracted into actual language facilities so you just extend a class and automatically get a table you can access with a nice, sane API. Strings of SQL never come into the picture.

Also your analogy is great but makes me sad because I love driving my Honda Civic and always get (irrationally) irritated with bigger/fancier vehicles. :P