Woman died getting a wii

Posted by Russellwoot on Jan. 26, 2007, 5:01 p.m.

i was listening to da radio the other day and they had a contest where u can win a wii. to win it u had to drink the most water and hold in ur pee. well this girl drank 2 gallons of water and then held it in and everything. but you could here her in the background comlainning she doesnt feel good, and al the people that worked at the radio station were making fun of her and stuff. she went home that night and the next day her husband found her dead (i forget i think it was her husband). isnt that sad. if my mom went out of her way to get me a wii and died for it. ide have to commit suicide. well as for the radio station, 10 people got fired and the radio station is getting sued.

I hope that the people from the nintendo company give them a free wii or something.

=( make me wanna cry *sob* =(

theres an article about it on the channel 7 news website


gtvg 18 years ago

Ya, I heard about that but it doesn't depress me, but I haven't heard the recording.

KaBob799 18 years ago

yeah that happened a while ago

firestormx 18 years ago

If your mother died getting a wii, would you really feel like playing it?

Then again, if your mother died getting a wii, would you want her death to be in vain?


Rob 18 years ago

Heard about that like a week ago.

Visor 18 years ago

That sucks.

Which radio station was this?

FredFredrickson 18 years ago

I live in the city where it happened (Sacramento, CA)… the news made a huge deal about it. All the DJ's got fired, etc. It happened like 2 weeks ago though.

FredFredrickson 18 years ago

The radio station was 107.9 "The End"

poultry 18 years ago

Old news.

poultry 18 years ago

"The End"

How ironic. Now the station is probably going to end XD

GMmarine 18 years ago

That is sad :(.