After a few months of work I’ve finally released Runners on the Google Play Store, it is my first finished game that I’m actually proud of! It is an endless runner style game with unlockable characters and online leaderboards.
Available now on android: available on desktop (but for some reason without music): repository is also available for anyone who wants to check out the source! :)
Played this a bit. Definite classic play..!!
What did you build in? It's nifty!
Thank you both!
It's built in LibGDX but I also added the Google Play Services in tooI noticed the google play integration when I was accepting your game, was that tough to implement?
Short answer -
It actually wasn't too difficult, the only problems came from LibGDX being a cross-platform API, so when adding something for only Android you've also got to make sure an equivalent functionality is available on desktop (which was just printing the score to the console for debugging purposes, for example). Long answer -If you look on my Github link and go to core/src/com/subzero/services/ you'll find IGoogleServices and DesktopGoogleServices. The former is an interface and the latter is the desktop implementation of it. If you look at android/src/com/subzero/android/ and go in AndroidLauncher you'll see the IGoogleServices methods being overridden. Then all that's left is to call these methods on GameScreen and MainMenuScreen :)