もしもし (free stuff)

Posted by S3xySeele on May 8, 2011, 4:37 a.m.

It might be a little quick of me to be posting a second blog already, but it's 5 am and I don't have any pressing matters to attend to.

I just wanted to let you guys know more about who I am and what I do.

I graduated high school back in 2009, and now I'm a member of the United States Armed Forces. Currently learning about some top secret shit that I can't tell you about, so yeah.

Anyway, I'm working on an RPG that is currently untitled. It takes place in a world where humankind has migrated entirely to a virtual utopia. The migration is quite absolute… New humans born in this world never even possess a physical body. The virtual utopia provides its digital denizens with virtual bodies that can feel and interact with the simulated world around it, but are incapable of being subjected to extensive pain or damage. There's no death, only hibernation if one so chooses to do so. The hibernation period can be set to be awoken once certain conditions arise, or it can be set to forever.

There's no starvation, no rape, no murder, no greed, no servitude. Of course, it would be a shame if somehow Mother Nature of the real world pulled the plug on the supercomputer running the entire human civilization, so robots were created that could be controlled by humans from within the system, in order to protect it from anything that could interrupt it from functioning. It's truly a perfect system, loved and appreciated by all its citizens. However, naturally, there exists an entity which loathes the existence of this virtual utopia. And the wreak havoc, of course.

The game will be a turn-based strategy RPG. Expect it in the distant future, as I've got a lot on my plate… learning Japanese, learning to draw, military commitments, etc.

Nonetheless, I'm going to try my best to complete this project.

…in other news, I'm giving away almost all of my games, movies, anime, etc.

I would've liked to have posted this sooner, but my 64digits activation email went to junk and I didn't notice it until today. So unfortunately, the other site I posted this on got a significant head start at picking away at my offerings. Without further ado, here's the copypasta:

Quote: Me
I'm basically looking to get rid of the majority of my videogame, movie, music and anime collections. I'm not looking to make a profit… I could just throw them away if I wanted, but I'd prefer the stuff find new homes. So I'm giving everything here away completely, absolutely free. The only condition is that you must live in the United States for me to be able to mail it to you, sorry. Also, to avoid any misunderstanding or disappointment, all the items are disc-only. No cases or manuals included with anything.

Also, to give everyone a fair chance, I'm only accepting one item request per individual per week. So don't ask me to go ahead and send you everything on the list. One item a week for each person, period. 168 hours after you've requested one item, i'll accept another request from you. Send me a PM with your request and the address you'd like me to mail the item to. I won't actually start mailing items out until next week though, so be patient. I'll still take requests in the meantime, so without further ado…

Here's the list. A work in progress, these are only the games. I'll update the list with the movies, anime and music soon.


Xbox 360

Lost Odyssey

Blue Dragon

Mass Effect (Platinum Hits)

Mass Effect 2

Forza Motorsport 3 (Claimed by SohnVonStig)

Pure (Claimed by astrosdude91)

Fallout 3 (Game of the Year)

Lego Batman

PlayStation 3

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

Burnout Paradise (Claimed by RoyaltyB)

Far Cry 2 (Claimed by FOREVERTHEMAN3)

God of War 3 (Claimed by Gravitron)

Metal Gear Solid 4 (Claimed by leowan731)

PlayStation 2

SOCOM: US Navy Seals

Yakuza (Claimed by nick09)

Enthusia Professional Racing (Claimed by Robin.)

Beyond Good and Evil

Okami (Claimed by nick09)

Jak and Daxter

Shadow of the Colossus

Fatal Frame 3


Silent Hill 3

Zone of the Enders

Shining Force EXA

Shining Force Neo

Shining Tears

Persona 3 FES (Claimed by PandaApex)

Persona 4 (Claimed by Rotary Junkie)

Wild Arms 3

Xenosaga Episode 1

Radiata Stories

Dragon Warrior VIII

Romancing SaGa

Final Fantasy XII

Final Fantasy X-2

Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy XII Demo Disc

Metal Gear Solid 2 Demo Disc

Gran Turismo 4 (Claimed by SohnVonStig)


Motor Toon Grand Prix

Mechwarrior 2 (Claimed by n1nj4ofshr3d)

Final Fantasy IX

Final Fantasy VIII

Final Fantasy VII (Claimed by n1nj4ofshr3d)

Final Fantasy VI

Final Fantasy V

Final Fantasy IV

Final Fantasy Origins

Chrono Trigger


Akira (Blu-ray)

Summer Wars (Blu-ray)

Only Yesterday (Region 2)

Please Teacher! (Claimed by CAMikaze)

Infinite Ryvius

Cowboy Bebop (Claimed by Cano)

Toward the Terra

Blue Gender (Claimed by CAMikaze)

Blue Submarine No. 6

Ghost in the Shell

Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence

Kino's Journey

Baldr Force EXE

Lunar Legend Tsukihime

Neon Genesis Evangelion (Claimed by nk4e)

NGE: Death & Rebirth (Claimed by Sephy)

NGE: End of Evangelion

Evangelion 1.11 (Claimed by ranhammerR34)

Evangelion 2.22 (Claimed by Cano)

Voices of a Distant Star

The Place Promised in our Early Days

5 Centimeters Per Second

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (Claimed by jeffgoddin)

Ponyo (Claimed by jeffgoddin)

Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind

Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro

Howl's Moving Castle

Princess Mononoke

Grave of the Fireflies

My Neighbor Totoro

Perfect Blue

Boogiepop Phantom

Ghost Hound

Elfen Lied


Serial Experiments Lain

Paranoia Agent



(I've got some more floating around somewhere, so some stuff will probably be added to the list later)


Dark City (Director's Cut)

The Fall

Man on Wire

The Incredibles

About Schmidt


The Virgin Suicides


Boy A

The Matrix Trilogy + The Animatrix

Natural Born Killers + Heaven and Earth

The Social Network (Claimed by Robin.)


Minority Report

Requiem for a Dream




Silent Hill (Blu-ray)

Slumdog Millionaire



Silence of the Lambs



LOTR: Fellowship of the Ring

Cat's Eye + Creepshow

Dreamcatcher + Dolores Claiborne

The Mist


Mulholland Dr.

The Jacket

Jacob's Ladder

The Machinist

Scott Pilgrim vs The World

Peppermint Candy

Reign Over Me

Alrighty, I think that's suitably lengthy for a "real" blog. Lastly, I think I'm gonna start doing a movie review per day.

I'm just gonna do a short mini-one here, more of a quick recommendation though. Enter The Void. Crazy cool movie, watch it. Especially if you like drugs and/or sex and/or films with stunning cinematography and/or films that make you think "wtf".

Ok, that's all for now.


S3xySeele 13 years, 9 months ago

What's Misconstruct?

Jeremy 13 years, 9 months ago

…you should have just asked someone to unscramble your password hash. :P
Nothing but the best security here at the 64digits community. =P

Edit: Aww… Final Fantasy VII is taken; that's my favorite game for the PS1.

S3xySeele 13 years, 9 months ago

Dunno who this Misconstruct person is, but if he's shady, let's not associate him with me, ok?

And yeah, FFVII was one of the first to go. There's still plenty of good stuff available though.

Praying Mantis 13 years, 9 months ago

I'll have everything not already taken. My address is 1 Candy lane, North Pole. I'm going to be a bit behind on gift production this Christmas, so this would really help.

Jeremy 13 years, 9 months ago

You're paying for S&H? Why would you give away games at your cost?

S3xySeele 13 years, 9 months ago

I'll have everything not already taken. My address is 1 Candy lane, North Pole. I'm going to be a bit behind on gift production this Christmas, so this would really help.
Hur hur hur.

You're paying for S&H? Why would you give away games at your cost?
Because I'm feeling generous. Because I don't want them anymore. Because it's easier just to give them away than try to sell them.

Praying Mantis 13 years, 9 months ago

Sounds sus. I'm guessing you'll be sending us a bomb, or child pornography, or items of the like.


S3xySeele 13 years, 9 months ago


Ferret 13 years, 9 months ago

I'd love a copy of Zone of the Enders, I've always wanted that game.

SteveKB 13 years, 9 months ago

oh god I like want all the anime ones is there a limit to how many you'll give out to someone?

idk I'd like akira and summer wars if that's alright for now :o unless I can get more