Does your ISP have bandwidth caps? Mine does. :/
It's not so bad though. My ISP isn't enforcing it just yet. Which is a good thing, because I'm at least 50 GB over my 350 GB bandwidth cap. lol…And that's just when I'm booted into OSX. I know that I've downloaded about 100 GB worth of games from Steam on my Windows partition.Yikes.But I suspect my bandwidth usage will drop significantly when my hard drive fills. Only 300 more gigs left! XD
In New Zealand all ISPs made you sign up for a plan with which you would be allocated a specific amount of bandwidth for a month. I think $60 was standard for 5GB. The internet was slow as fuck too.
But I don't live there anymore, so no.Mine doesn't, luckily. Not that I would likely hit the limit, but it's nice not having to worry about it.
I don't have a limit either, but my speed is 1 Mbit and it's been fluctuating between full and half that speed over the last month, so even if I had a cap it would be difficult to hit it.
1mbit? Motherfucking shit, I'm telling all the New Zealanders I know they have slower internet than Venezuela.
I have an ISP cap, from the depths of hell.
It follows me around like a lapdog.That would be hell for me… I go through 5 times that amount in a day. lol
Well it depends on what you use it for. I bought Portal 2 on Steam, and it's over 10 GB. That's a fifth of your cap gone in a day. lol
That sucks so bad, especially when there's 2 xboxes and a computer who shares it.I remember reaching it the 10th or so a couple of months ago. Truly the darkest moment of my existance.