Data storage

Posted by S3xySeele on May 13, 2011, 5:55 p.m.

So as some of you may know from an earlier blog of mine, I am planning on purchasing a large external storage device some time in the near future.

The device I mentioned I was looking at, the sexy dual-drive 6 TB G-RAID, unfortunately only supports RAID 0, as I have come to find out. So it's no longer an option for me.

2-drive options with the level of capacity I want for RAID 1 are slim, and none of them seem too appealing. So instead I'm thinking of buying a 4-bay RAID enclosure, throwing four 2 TB drives in it and putting them in RAID 5, and call it a day. I would get approximately 6 TB of useable space, versus the 3 I was hoping to get with the G-RAID in RAID 1. A pretty nice improvement. In addition, I would get some performance benefits too, instead of just getting additional protection for my data. The only drawback really is that i'll end up with a device that's fairly large. But ultimately, I've decided that it's not TOO large, and that the benefits far outweigh this concern. And it actually costs less than the G-RAID would, even with a spare 5th drive just in case one dies on me.



PY 13 years, 9 months ago

I hope you have eSATA support, managing 6TB of data over USB2.0 sounds like hell.

S3xySeele 13 years, 9 months ago

I'll be using Firewire 800. Not quite eSATA, but it's not as bad as USB 2.0 either.

I'm not too concerned about speed though. I'm not doing any major video editing or anything like that, I just need a lot of space for archival.