3D games

Posted by S3xySeele on May 16, 2011, 3:07 p.m.

Ok, so supposedly YoYo Games is trying to improve Game Maker's 3D capabilities, as I'm sure you're already aware. Which is perfect, because last night inspiration struck me. And now I've got a first-person shooter that I absolutely must make.

So basically, does anyone have any good tutorials or pointers when it comes to making 3D games, particularly of the first-person variety? I've never tried to make one before, and it seems a little daunting. Also does anyone know if there are any good cheap (or free, preferably) 3D modeling apps? They can be for either Mac or PC, since I use both OSes.

On an unrelated note, my group fucking kicked ass in the performance test we had today. Troubleshootin' faults LIKE A BOSS. And fortunately, my competition for orders to the USS Antietam did well but not quite as well as I did. He's still probably got a higher GPA than me, but performance tests constitute 60% of our GPA, so it'll certainly help close the gap. Which is good, because today I got confirmation on my fears that if there are any orders to the USS Antietam at all, there will probably only be one. So I need to claw my way to the top if I want to make living in Japan for a few years a reality.


colseed 13 years, 9 months ago

Weeellll it kinda depends on what you're looking to do in the 3D game (I think)…

Any specifics yet?

For 3D modeling, my favorite is Blender (www.blender.org). It's free, open-source, and comes with lots of nice features like Python scripting and a physics engine combined with a game engine.

This is of course assuming you're going to be doing polygonal modeling. Versus, say, voxels. ._.

S3xySeele 13 years, 9 months ago

Well like I said, it's gonna be a FPS. It's gonna take place mostly in a large city environment, but there will be some mountainous terrain as well.

I'll check out Blender though. I like free. And no voxels, definitely polygons. lol

The Avatrol 13 years, 9 months ago

Your not going to manage to make a 3d game set in a large city with mountainous terrain using game makers inherent 3d capabilities. Even with the improvements they made. If you want to do such a thing, I would advise you to look into some 3d engine wrappers for game maker. gmOgre is particularly notable.


I believe a new version is in the works (the current version doesn't work with game maker 8.1).

Majatek 13 years, 9 months ago

Or use Unity3D.


S3xySeele 13 years, 9 months ago

gmOgre looks pretty sweet.

Unity3D looks really awesome, but I'd want the Pro version. And it just happens to be $1500. Maybe in the future, I'll have the cash to drop on it. But considering that this project will most certainly be freeware, since it's a fangame (le gasp!), I can't justify the price tag.

Maybe I'll try to find a way to, ahem, "borrow" the Pro version. And if it works out well for this project, I may just save up to buy a legit license for future projects that I'll actually be able to sell legally.

Majatek 13 years, 9 months ago

If you "borrow", then count me in with borrowing it.

Of course, as a test to see how well my Android phone can handle processing loads ;)

Extravisual 13 years, 9 months ago

Unity's free version is great. You only have to live without a few relatively minor features, and a not-very-intrusive splash screen. Plus you can sell the games for up to $50,000 dollars in profits, at which point buying the pro version would be no issue.

colseed 13 years, 9 months ago

There's also the the Unreal Development Kit.

Just since it wasn't mentioned yet :S