
Posted by S3xySeele on May 19, 2011, 10:40 p.m.

For some reason, 64digits won\'t load for me unless i\'m using a proxy. Probably a problem on my end though it is annoying. :/

Anyway, i\'m still working on sending items out to people, so if you haven\'t got yours yet, be patient. I promise you\'ll get it eventually. lol

I discovered an awesome program for Mac called Plex which is great for using your Mac as a HTPC. It\'s based on a program called XBMC which is available for PC, Mac and Linux. If you\'ve got a Mac though, use Plex. It\'s a lot nicer overall.

This morning when I was doing a little watchstanding, I found out about a movie in production called Pacific Rim. And holy shit, it sounds a lot like Neon Genesis Evangelion.

not much is known about Pacific Rim yet, other than it’s about giant monsters and will allow del Toro to create a “new worldâ€? of beastly creatures. That’s only halfway accurate. This project will give the Hellboy filmmaker the opportunity to create two worlds.

The first is an alternate version of Earth in the near future, decades after a historic date in November 2012 when the first kaiju, a towering Godzilla-like beast, emerged from a hole in the Pacific Ocean and attacked the city of Osaka, Japan. The second is “The Anteverse,â€? another universe on the other side of that gaping portal, 5 miles below our ocean’s surface.

Since the first attack, the rim has been “spitting outâ€? a variety of gigantic monsters at an increasing rate, which then stride out of the ocean and begin destroying sea-bordering cities, like Tokyo and Los Angeles. In order to combat these monstrous, otherworldly menaces, the military developed the “Jaegerâ€? program, which trains teams of two pilots to jointly operate massive, building-sized mechanized suits of armor and high-tech weaponry.

Within the first act alone, we are given enough detailed background on the god-like Jaeger systems, its shared neural piloting system (called “ponsâ€?), and the relentless beasts. But Beacham is an absolute master at immediately establishing characters and their conflicts.

The central character is Raleigh Antrobus, 23, a skilled Jaeger pilot still wrestling emotionally with the loss of his co-pilot and biological brother, Yance, during a mission a year earlier. The ordeal has wreaked havoc on his mind spirit, leaving him with ghostly nightmares of the battle from the shared “ponsâ€? experience. After the initial setup, the damaged hero is recruited to re-join the task force in Tokyo, where pilots are in demand, and team with a fellow “leftover,â€? 22-year-old female Japanese pilot Mako Mori. Naturally, the language barrier (among other things) presents an issue for the out-of-sync duo, meaning an even steeper learning curve for the unprecedented pairing.

Meanwhile, Felicity “Flickâ€? Kincaid, a journalist and Yance’s former fiancée, circles the globe (ours) to discover answers about this mysterious rift and the origins of its intensifying threat.

It\'s going to be directed by Guillermo del Toro and the lead actor is Charlie Hunnam. Never heard of Hunnam before so I watched Green Street Hooligans today. Pretty good movie, pretty good actor. I\'m pretty excited for this movie, it sounds like it could be epic.


Ronnica 13 years, 9 months ago

For some reason, 64digits won\\\'t load for me unless i\\\'m using a proxy.

This happens to me too.

Majatek 13 years, 9 months ago

What\\\'s with all those backslashes appearing before all your commas?

*edit* Evangelion is pretty cool - I watched quite a bit of it a while ago.

S3xySeele 13 years, 9 months ago

Probably the proxy, rambofox

Majatek 13 years, 9 months ago

Silly proxy. :P