Mind. Blown.

Posted by S3xySeele on June 6, 2011, 7:44 p.m.

June 6th. The start of both E3 and WWDC.

WWDC wasn't completely insane. No new iPhone or anything like that, anyway. They reiterated the core features of the upcoming Mac OS X Lion and a release date of July, announced the low price of $29. They went over iOS 5's many improvements. They went over their new iCloud service, which actually sounds pretty fucking great. $25 a month to convert your non-iTunes-purchased music to iTunes so that it can be pushed to all your devices, or to upload it to iCloud in the event that iTunes doesn't have it? Potentially an ingenious way to monetize pirated music. And it blows Amazon's cloud service out of the water.

On to E3. Let me see if I can even remember all the awesome crap that's been shown/announced so far.

Metal Gear Solid, Zone of the Enders and Silent Hill HD collections for both the PS3 and Xbox 360. So much fucking win in these alone.

Elder Scrolls V is looking quite epic. Not much else to say about that.

Forza Motorsport 4 is looking absolutely stunning. Unless there are some extremely crippling bugs in the final release, I think it's quite safe to say that Forza has overtaken Gran Turismo as the top racing sim series.

Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary and Halo 4. Okay, so you might not be a huge Halo fan. I'm not particularly obsessed with the series, only having played 1 and 2. And yeah, ok, so maybe the teaser for Halo 4 was kinda lame. But still. The remastered version of the first Halo game should be quite awesome. And I'm not gonna write Halo 4 off just because of a lackluster teaser.

We've seen some trailers for Mass Effect 3, which is sure to be great. Unfortunately the trailers were pretty lackluster, but I have faith in the final product.

You've got a barrage of shooters such as MW3, Battlefield 3, Brothers in Arms: Furious 4, Resistance 3… I'm sure they're all going to at least be good. Battlefield 3 in particular has been looking amazing. Haven't had a chance to watch any of the new E3 trailers/footage for these games, but I'm positive they'll all be solid shooters.

There's the new Twisted Metal game. Never got into the series myself, and I haven't watched anything about the new one. But if that's your thing, great.

A bunch of Kinect crap. IMO the Kinect is garbage, but you've got people trying to make software for it. Forza 4's headtracking will be semi-useful, but other than that it's more trouble than its worth. They demoed voice recognition for Mass Effect 3, but why bother? It's quicker, easier and less embarrassing to use the controller. They're supposedly cooking up some Star Wars game for it, and the next Fable will make use of it too. And Crytek is supposedly cooking up a hardcore title for Kinect called "Ryse". Meh.

There's Uncharted 3, and then there's Uncharted Golden Abyss for the NGP. Oh yeah, the NGP… that's a whole other can of worms. Awesome worms, mind you.

But damn. It's still only day 1.


Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

Did you just delete the other blog? Here's me reposting my comment.

Uncharted 3 is quite possibly the most amazingly thought-out game I've ever seen (never saw the other two). The animations and sound effects are realistic and dynamic, and the game looks like a movie.

Doesn't mean I'd go buy it, but I was definitely impressed. Much more so than these other shooters and boring demos.

JID 13 years, 8 months ago

Uncharted 3 is quite possibly the most amazingly thought-out game I've ever seen (never saw the other two). The animations and sound effects are realistic and dynamic, and the game looks like a movie.
I don't think the animations and sound are as good as you say they are, there are plenty of games that are just as good in plenty of areas. There's only one game that has it beat for sure.

Battlefield 3

Seriously, here's a vid.

It uses a similar animation engine as some of the EA Sports games, so transitions between animations are extremely fluid. And the sounds are probably the best in the industry.

S3xySeele 13 years, 8 months ago

The Uncharted series is indeed quite great.

But yeah, Battlefield 3 honestly looks just as stunning if not better, at least in terms of animation and lighting. And sounds just as great too.

Castypher 13 years, 8 months ago

All I can say is we need more FPSs. I swear that's all I see, and EA Sports.

Bring on the bullet hell!

JID 13 years, 8 months ago

If BF3's gameplay is as good as its graphics, then I can't wait to get that shit on my computer.

It will be, without a doubt 100%

Get it. Now.

I'm also looking forward to Uncharted 3, as it's THE best game series for PS3 imo.