So you guys know how awesome fangames are, right??
Well… I just started making what will be the awesomest fangame ever.Why? Because it's a Pokemon fangame. And not just any Pokemon fangame, it's MY Pokemon fangame… with a special twist. Behold:Evangelion crossover! Nuts!All I have to do is make it, then it'll be totally awesome guys, I promise! :D(Yes, that's an OS X window there. The game will also be released for Windows, so don't worry.)(Oh, you weren't worried? You don't even like Evangelion? I'll never finish it, and fangames suck anyways?? Well… go **** yourself. ;_;)
Is there a Rape Rei feature?
there better be, or this game will suck without it.I'm expecting something pornographic out of this.
Hate to disappoint you guys, but there will be no Rape Rei or otherwise pornographic features.
d00d mak sur it haz 1000 pokemans in its.
There should be pornogra - oh lol nevermind.
I recently discovered that all these new pokemon games are set in regions where only the newest, fugliest generations live (bullshit).
You should change that.And uh, same gameplay as the handhelds?Make it like Persona 4, except with pokemon
I would play the shit out of that@LoserHands: The game will be set in an entirely new region, but the Pokemon will be first gen only. Well, with a few additions…
Gameplay will be… different. On the surface, it'll look similar, but the mechanics are gonna be modified heavily.@Taizen Chisou: Well, it's not gonna be quite like Persona. But it'll be a very different Pokemon world, that's for sure.