Taco Tuesday

Posted by S3xySeele on Nov. 29, 2011, 7:04 p.m.

So today was Taco Tuesday. Delicious. :D


For a number of reasons, I'm temporarily pausing the development of Pokemon Purple until early/mid January. This may affect my plans to have a playable demo by February. I'll try my best to get something out by at least late February, but it might end up not surfacing until sometime in March.

Why am I pausing it? Well… I'll be going on leave in December for the holidays, and I intend to bring only my MacBook Pro with me. Thus no Windows, and therefore no development either.

This isn't a complete pause, mind you. It's only going to be a pause on the programming of the meat of the game. I'll be tackling some neglected areas of development, such as graphics and audio. I'm also going to be fleshing out all the details of certain design aspects, such as the battle mechanics.

In addition, I've got a couple side projects I'd like to pursue. Namely, my evolution sim idea, as well as some ideas I've got regarding my custom image formats I like to tinker with.


LAR Games 13 years, 3 months ago

I've always wanted to see a Pokemon game that doesn't use pixel art. Someday, I will help someone make that. Until then, regular Pokemon clones for me. :D

S3xySeele 13 years, 3 months ago

I personally prefer the pixel art of Pokemon's Gameboy offerings than the 3D models of the console games. =P

LAR Games 13 years, 3 months ago

I didn't really mean 3d graphics. Maybe just more detailed 2d images with nice animations. That would fix the annoying thing sprites do when you zoom in to them to much. (Mainly seeking their pixels up close.) Pokemon Black/ White has a lot of this.

On a different note:

I don't like tacos very much. Except the hard tacos from Taco Bell. Kinda weird considering I'm Mexican-American…

pounce4evur 13 years, 3 months ago

That doesn't sound like it'll throw you very far off schedule then. Have fun! :)

LAR Games 13 years, 3 months ago

It may have something to do with the fact my family would stop for tacos right when we got to Mexico after a 3 hour car ride every time we went to visit our family.

I think I just started associating tacos with nausea after a while

S3xySeele 13 years, 3 months ago

This talk about tacos makes me sad that I'm sitting in a McDonalds right now. xD

Taizen Chisou 13 years, 3 months ago


Those look like gyros

our restaurant was practically the only gyros place and now it is gone