F4D - Small Update

Posted by S3xySeele on Dec. 25, 2011, 1:39 p.m.

Once again, this is gonna be a fairly brief and screenshot-less update on my F4D progress.

Basically, at this point in time, I have something that is at least submittable. I'll be using the remaining time to flesh out and polish things. Hopefully I'm able to bring the game to a level of completedness that satisfies me by the extended January 3rd deadline.

I would love to post some screenshots, but I'm not on my own computer right now.

There's a lot of cool F4D projects, so I'm not sure how well my project will be able to stack up against them. But I feel that my entry will, at the very least, be an interesting one. After Frosty Four Digits is over, I plan to continue developing and refining it.

On a side note, I accidentally started developing a bit of software for helping test one's knowledge of Japanese language (Nihongo Help!). Currently it's nothing more than glorified Hiragana flashcards, but as I learn Japanese myself, I plan on adding more into the software. I'm essentially developing it for myself, but I decided at the start that I'd make it presentable so I can make it publicly available for anyone else learning Japanese who might be wanting something similar to test their knowledge against.


Cesque 13 years, 2 months ago

Hey, I could swear someone's already done something like that for Japanese in GM (with hiragana dn katakana). I forgot who it was. Anyway, if you add katakana, I'm interested in checking it out, I've been meaning to learn it four times and forgot most of it four times. And I'm only interested in katakana because I consider English loanwords the only part of Japanese websites and games worth reading :p

S3xySeele 13 years, 2 months ago

Katakana added, now just gotta upload it.