Posted by S3xySeele on Dec. 28, 2011, 11:33 p.m.

Earlier today, I added a splash screen to my F4D project, which went just dandy.

But now when I run my project, there's a peculiar game-ruining bug somewhere causing some of my surfaces not to draw to the screen.

After some testing, I've determined that any of the changes I made to the project while adding in the splash screen did not cause this bug.

There's only 3 possibilities I can think of:

1. When I decided earlier today to run my project in HTML5 mode to see how badly it ran and then saved it, that somehow changed/corruped my project.

2. It's my graphics card.

3. I somehow created an extremely convoluted bug during the super-simple act of creating a splash screen, which for the life of me I cannot fathom how to fix or why the bug could still present after I delete the room and object I created for the splash screen.

I'm going to submit it, hoping that the problem is #2. Though if you don't see the player when you start playing, it's not #2… so just close it and consider me out of the competition.

Here's my entry, playable or not: http://64digits.com/users/S3xySeele/Nevegis.zip


flashback 13 years, 2 months ago

What sort of behaviour are we looking for? All I get when I run the game is a menu on a gray background, then a boatload of white circles on green, which sometimes turn into blackness.

Alert Games 13 years, 2 months ago

I would try opening it with another version of game maker. If that works, then you can save it, then reopen it in GM HTML5 again. But before that I would comment some stuff out to be sure nothing is causing it. Maybe some code you left somewhere?

If it still doesnt work and you dont have a GM8 copy, either torrent it or get an installer. HTML5 is in beta state, so an update could have caused it or not addressed it…

S3xySeele 13 years, 2 months ago

The behavior we're looking for would be whether there's a character on top of those white circles. Since it's not showing for you guys, that rules out #2.

I tried saving it then opening it in GM 8.1, but got the same result. This is quite bizzare and frustrating… the game worked just fine yesterday morning, but this problem shows up out of the blue in the evening before I even started changing anything.

The object that draws the surfaces is still in there working away, drawing all the other surfaces. So I'm guessing that the surface in question is being drawn, but is accidentally being cleared. Not sure how, but that's my best guess.

Got a flight to catch, so I figure I'm just out of the running for the competition. When I get back in 11-ish days, I'll post the GM file to see if perhaps you guys can see something I'm not.

flashback 13 years, 2 months ago

Double check the draw depth of the surfaces - maybe the main character is just being drawn over.

S3xySeele 13 years, 2 months ago

Don't see how it could be a depth issue when everything is being drawn to surfaces, and these surfaces are all drawn to the screen by one object.

The main character is being drawn to surface s_game in the Step event of the object "o_player", and the surface s_game is last surface drawn to the screen in the Draw event of the object "o_ctrl"… which is what draws all the surfaces to the screen.

The only thing being drawn to the s_game layer is the main character, towers he builds and enemies.

I've got time before my flight… I'm gonna quickly upload the GM file.

EDIT: Okay, here's the file: 64digits.com/users/S3xySeele/Nevegis.gm81