Posted by S3xySeele on Feb. 29, 2012, 12:44 a.m.

I got two new badges while I was away…

"Lesbian Showdown Badge"

"This user is a Magical Kitsune!"


Anyway, I also got a Vita. Overall, I'm liking it. But… there's a good handful of things I really hate about it.

Games that require memory cards literally require them to even launch. You can't just opt to play and not save. Unless there are technical reasons for why this is (which I doubt), that's seriously absurd. And i'm not even one of the whiners complaining about the need for a proprietary memory card… it was smart of Sony to not give the Vita built-in memory to keep the initial cost of the Vita down, even if it's inconvenient and ultimately not the true cost of the Vita for anyone hoping to use it. And I was planning on buying a 32 GB memory card anyway, but it just so happened that the Navy Exchange I bought my Vita from was sold out of their Vita memory cards of any capacity. I later swung by GameStop and got the memory card.

Managing content is… unpleasant. With the exception of copying games/applications to and from your Vita or doing an entire system backup/restore, the Content Manager application is pretty useless. For copying photos, videos, or music it just launches the respective application. And all content management is done manually on the Vita itself, which is cumbersome for managing a lot of content. Honestly I'd rather use Media Go for managing content. The Photo app is a step back from photos on the PSP… complete lack of the ability to organize things into folders. Instead, you can only look at your entire photo library or by month. In fact, content management is pretty much a step back in every way from the PSP. Buried in the settings menu, you're given the option to manage your PSP game saves and Vita/PSP DLC. You however cannot manage the saved games of Vita games. Presumably the only way to delete your save is to uninstall the software then re-install it. Not a huge deal if you've got a physical copy of the game, but if you got it off of PSN you'll have to redownload it all over again. Not fun at all for people who have slow and/or capped internet connections. And downloading multi-gig items on the Vita isn't fun either. I would like software that, like Media Go, allows me to download stuff from the Playstation Store on my computer. Only unlike Media Go, I'd like it to be Mac-compatible.

Another thing I really dislike is the look of the interface. Not the interface itself, which is quite nice for the most part. But the aesthetic just doesn't sit well with me at all. I really hope that in future firmware versions, they add themes so I can get a more pleasing look.

BTW, the game I got is Hot Shots Golf, which is quite fun. I also bought Ninja Gaiden off of PSN, but I'm still trying to download it. Thought about getting Uncharted, but realized I wouldn't even pay $50 for a full-fledged PS3 Uncharted, so why would I pay that much for a 2nd rate Vita Uncharted? Sure it's probably one of the best games to show off the system's graphical capabilities right now, but I can wait for games that are pretty, fun AND worth the asking price.


LAR Games 13 years ago

I've never played any monster hunter games. What are they about?

JID 13 years ago

I'm pretty sure they're about hunting monsters. :p

Acid 13 years ago

The PSPGo was essentially a dick move by Sony. It was cheaper hardware that they sold for a higher cost that would force users to rebuy their games.

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite is already on there.

I love my vita though. :D

Rob 13 years ago

Rob suffers from near Blognearsightedness.

When I commented on the blog it consisted solely of:


I got two new badges while I was away…

"Lesbian Showdown Badge"

"This user is a Magical Kitsune!"


Anyway, I also got a Vita. Overall, I'm liking it. But… there's a good handful of things I really hate about it.

S3xySeele 12 years, 12 months ago

Actually, that's incorrect Rob.

The sentence after "Anyway, I also got a Vita." was different, but I removed it when I copypasta'd my thoughts on the Vita from another site to make my blog longer. ^_^

Ferret 12 years, 12 months ago

Do yourself a favor and buy Wipeout and then hold off until Gravity Rush or something else comes out.

S3xySeele 12 years, 12 months ago

Wipeout really isn't my thing.

Looking forward to Gravity Rush though. That, and FFX. FFXII would be amazing on Vita… MAKE IT HAPPEN, SQUEENIX! :D

Ferret 12 years, 12 months ago

Oh also if you like arcade shooters/shmups Super Stardust Delta is one heck of a deal.

Acid 12 years, 12 months ago

I bought Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness and Holy Badman 2. (What did I do to deserve this, my Lord? 2)

I loved Hour of Darkness, but I don't have it anymore and I never did actually get the first Badman (legally). I saw No Heroes Allowed, but I'm not skilled enough to add in MORE levels of difficulty (now water affects your dungeon ecosystem).

I'm not going to buy any games that I already own on PSP because that's bull crap. When a CFW or something to that effect is made, then I'll just put iso's of games I already own on there. I'm not paying for stuff I already paid for.

I used to pirate a LOT on my psp, but I always bought the games I enjoyed. (I think I have like 30+ UMDs.) I like the fact that there are demos for pretty much ALL of the Vita games. That way, there's no need for me to do that. I pirate as a unlimited trial period to see if games are worth my money.

But yeah, don't forget about the PSP backlog on the store. There are a few gems hidden within the "meh".