ARM: Anime Recommendation Machine

Posted by S3xySeele on March 8, 2012, 7:17 p.m.

So… i'm planning to create a website to rival the likes of MyAnimeList and Anime-Planet.

Am I Insane? Yes. Yes I am.

So anyway, the basic motivation behind this is my annoyance with the way people score things. Most people score things way too damn high, with 7's equaling "okay/mediocre" and everything below being "a waste of time". Not everybody scores like this, though… some people score more evenly. And some people have their entirely own way of scoring things. Which creates a serious problem when you try to average everybody's score to create a meaningful average for an anime. It just doesn't work.

How anime will be ranked on my site is different. Users don't give out numerical scores. Instead, they put anime into two personal lists: "I Recommend" and "I Don't Recommend" and ranks them in order from strongest to least strongest. The "machine" then derives a score based on which list it's on and its position on that list. This, I hope, will completely eliminate bias generated by the act of scoring. The only "bias" will be the user's opinion of the anime, which is perfect because we're trying to come to score that most accurately describes the average opinion of the anime.

Ambitious perhaps, but I'm completely serious about it. I've already got a host and a url. The site isn't anything yet, but here's the URL:


sirxemic 12 years, 11 months ago

Also, comparison-based rating might be a nice addition. Tends also to be more reliable than the common rating methods.

flashback 12 years, 11 months ago

now i know you got your idea, but here's mine (just for fun). I think it would be more effective to track individuals' likes and dislikes, and match them with similar individuals, than suggest to similar individuals popular likes amongst individuals similar to them. (hope that's not too confusing xD)
So… for anime?

JuurianChi 12 years, 11 months ago

Still a good idea.

:Makes an Atodev version:

S3xySeele 12 years, 11 months ago

@death: It's not a simple thumbs-up/thumbs-down rating system. It's like that, but users have to rank the items in order from best to least best, and worst to least worst. Each user's list contribute to an overall numerical score for anime between 1 and 100.

Regarding the recommending of users or anime of similar taste to yours… I'm definitely planning on implementing something like that eventually. It ain't called the "Anime Recommendation Machine" for no reason…

@sir Xemic: By comparison-based rating, I assume you mean something like flickchart? If so, I was actually planning on implementing a similar feature to help people sort their lists if they dislike or have a hard time doing it manually. In fact, I might not even give users the option to sort manually and instead just do it via the flickchart method.

@flashback: Basically, yeah. lol

Amarin 12 years, 11 months ago

with 7's equaling "okay/mediocre" and everything below being "a waste of time".
Basically. Anything I'd rate below 7 is something I wouldn't have been interested enough to watch anyway. I have enough on my plate as it is.

sirxemic 12 years, 11 months ago

Yes, flickchart is what I meant :)

I even implemented such a system before, so if you want code, I (might) have it. (Just realized chance exists I deleted it because:)

The only problem is that if you want randomized comparisons, the needed database space might grow exponentially, or it might become very slow.

I am even willing to help you with this project in any way you might see fit, I like the idea :)

S3xySeele 12 years, 11 months ago

I'm glad to receive any help I can get. This is my very first time even touching PHP and MySQL, so I can imagine I'll have many struggles along the way.