Misconstruct and ARM

Posted by S3xySeele on April 16, 2012, 2:39 a.m.

Ok, now that the server move is supposedly finished, could I have my Misconstruct account unbanned and this account merged with it? And the account renamed to Lain? Pretty please?? :3


Now, onto ARM. It's been a little while since I've posted here about it, but my plans for it have changed. It's not going to be a website, like I previously had envisioned it to be. It will be an offline anime encyclopedia application of sorts.

That being said, the ARM forums will remain online. If you're an anime fan, you're more than welcome to join: http://ar-machine.net/forums/index.php

At 22 members and over 14,000 posts, It's a relatively small but lively community. The current members are just migrants from an anime thread I used to frequent on a non-anime site, and I haven't actively been trying to recruit new members outside of that group, so as a result the community isn't really growing anymore. And that's not really a bad thing since we're all pretty close friends, but I wouldn't mind seeing some new faces. And 64D is a community with a similar closeness, and I know there are some anime fans here, so I figured this might not be a bad place to try and find a couple new members.


Quietus 12 years, 10 months ago

you need to get someone else besides you to advertise it, because whenever you put up anything i think "ok, that's probably gonna be creepy" just based on experience.

sirxemic 12 years, 10 months ago

Question: did the website have a purple theme the first time you showed it? Because in the mean time I was experimenting a bit with website designs and happened to decide on a purple theme as well - http://sirxemic.com/ARmachine/

S3xySeele 12 years, 10 months ago

@hel: Well you'll be happy to learn that I'm not even the most active member over there. I'm actually the fifth. But yeah, I creep it up from time to time.

@sir Xemic: It did not. Amusing coincidence that we went with the same color. A shame that my plans for ARM have changed, that's a pretty nice layout you made.