(Millar3k)The moment you've all been waiting for!!

Posted by SMgames on April 21, 2007, 4:31 a.m.

The moment youve all been waiting for

Well not exactly because for those of you who know about the game that includes your avatar, it has been denied because the folder was corrupt, (i forgot to put it in the file). Also i was recently banned, Anyway i have submit it again sorry about the delay.

Millars backpack sale

Today i have:

1)Sim cards

2)Video game steering wheel, compatible with, X-box, PS1, PS2, Gamecube.

Cheap as chips well not if you lived near me chips are expensive. Any questions, Just ask.

Saving up

At the moment im saving up for a PS3 some of you think sony is rubbish but i dont think so.

Christmas coming up i was going to get an X-box 360, so i can buy GTA4, but it turns out that will be the only game i will buy, so i am just going to get a PS3 so i can buy GTA4 as well as, other cool games which are coming out for PS3 and not for X-box 360, also PS3 has better grafics. Beg to differ if you will but its your say against everyone elses.

If you are a fan of GTA theres a trailer for GTA4 on:


For those who dont know.

Thanks for reading.



Requiem 17 years, 9 months ago

No, it's crap because all PS3 games are shitty.

blueBX 17 years, 9 months ago


If the Wii cost the same as the PS3, I would still but the Wii.

SMgames 17 years, 9 months ago

Like i said jakex its your oppinion against everyone else, also the people who think its crap, acctually by fact its better graphics and also the Xbox controller are confusing

KaBob799 17 years, 9 months ago

Yeah if I could get a wii or ps3 for 100$ I would get a wii. Well, I guess it depends on if I could find someone to buy the ps3 from me for like 400$, then buy a wii and 2 games =0

KaBob799 17 years, 9 months ago

ps3 just doesnt have the games or the price to be popular, all its got is blueray.

Killpill28 17 years, 9 months ago


The 360 controller is freaking confusing? How old are you, has your mind even developed enough to play video game?

Sorry, I like you, but I hate Sonny.

SMgames 17 years, 9 months ago

What i ment by confusing is theres too many buttons, why have so many when sony manage to have less amount buttons even tho some of the games are the smae

Killpill28 17 years, 9 months ago

There are not that many! I can use every one, not even remotely hard.

SMgames 17 years, 9 months ago

any one know the link were i can view all the badges, its in one of the mods/admins blog but i can find it, ive seen it before

JoshDreamland 17 years, 9 months ago

Sony couldn't make a good game if Nintendo or Microsoft dropped the plans _in_their_hands_.

Besides, they invented the loading screen. That's pretty much the game.

Playstation couldn't get any worse unless I could count the pixels on a sphere. (I did on the PS1 just for shits and giggles. =/)