Introducing the Editor!!!

Posted by Scotley on Nov. 2, 2006, 2:56 a.m.

*insert your name here* meet Walt-Ed, Walt-Ed meet *insert your name here*. I got sick of having to tweak my levels to just so in the GM room editor and then discovering I was just going to have to change it again. So I decided to develop Walt-Ed, an application designed to edit the maps easily, and quickly make changes.

Here is a WIP Screeny, just to get you all excited…

Now this will probably take ages to actually get finished completely, and push the release date on Walt The Wizard out by even more, but it will be worth it in the end :P

So, off to work… … Again, Catch ya all later!!!

- Scotley


Crane-ium 18 years ago

This looks really good so far? How does the editor edit exactly though?