Progress as so far...

Posted by Scott_AW on Nov. 30, 2006, 2:14 a.m.

No new demo yet, but hopefully soon.

This is a little progress report on how things are coming. Next time I have the time to I'll be writing a blog about how the game works, explaining the family/kingdom system, what happens when you die, and other future plans like mundane task(cooking/fishing/farming) and how I'll go about including them into the game.

Heres a few things that have been fixed or changed:

1) Perspective has been adjusted to 45 degrees, it was 30 which seemed to be why everything looked so close and distorted. Player camera has also been raised up so you feel less like a child(although in later releases height will vary depending on family/kingdom)

2) Sky is now more detailed with cloudy blue skies during the day and star speckled nights.

3) Lighting fixed and improved in most cases. Floors and cielings are now equally lit and the day/night light for outside has been changed from a directional to point for better shading effects

4) NPC and Creature interaction still in the works, got stalled while I fixed up the visual aspect.

5) Overlay has been changed to be less "out there" and produces a less noticable grain.

6) Controls shifted to mouse look and movement, I'm happy with it and its easy to use. However now I need to rethink my keyboard movement layout.

And a few things that still need work:

1) Collisions

2) Point2Point teleporting(for teleporting within rooms) for some reason sticks you into walls or repeating loops thus freezing the game.

3) Better map loading(still have that long lag for game startup)

4) Finish interface and character creation.

5) Finish NPC and Creature interaction(shopping, talking, fighting, tameing, ect.)

And heres a few new screens to show the new look and such.

Study in the keep near first town.

Outside a forgotten manor


Cesar 18 years, 1 month ago

that looks awesome! but you should really say what game this is, we don't usually remember everything O_o

Castypher 18 years, 1 month ago

Wow, that's really good-lookng. Keep working on it, and I'll be there to download.

melee-master 18 years, 1 month ago

Damn, that looks sweet.

Scott_AW 18 years, 1 month ago

Actually I need to think of a name pretty soon.