Sidescroller revival

Posted by Scott_AW on Dec. 24, 2006, 12:42 a.m.

A long time ago when I was ankle deep in the world of Quickbasic, I made a simple space shooter game, and while reflecting on past projects I thought it'd be a good one to take on again.

I'm not quite sure what my major goals with this project will be, but I'm going to get it done one stage at a time. First I'm working on one of the first levels in which you invade enemy space cruisers to help your planet's tiny army survive the dangers of warmongers in space.

The general idea I have going for the game is a cluster of nearby star systems with a variety of small planetary governments, some at war and some not. Your role is as a daredevil pilot named Rick Jason(also the name of the game) who goes out on mission from his home planet to stop enemy threats or possibly aid in take-overs of enemy planets.

I've developed a certain artistic styling that will hopefully remain consistant throughout the developement as well as make level design flexible.

Beginning of one of the first levels. (revised screenshot 12/24/06)

So far I only have a beam attack(shown in the screenshot) and a pellet attack. Also one enemy ship has been drawn and a mechanised soldier(although not animated yet).

Also planned is mission selection section to direct your progress in the game(not like Starfox) and the ability to purchase upgrades and weapons for your ship(kind of like Raptor).

It'll contain your basic battleship/station, ground, factory, city type levels and enough story to sustain a feeling of purpose.

As for a demo release, I'm not quite sure when or ever one will be released. It all depends on how complicated things get, since thats usually when wierd bugs come around that I would probably overlooked. We'll see…

Thats all for now…go…make games and/or blog about wierd things, you silly people.


kurt69 18 years, 2 months ago

This looks really really good. Keep up the good work!

gamehawk 18 years, 2 months ago

Looks nice. What do you make your graphics in?

gtvg 18 years, 1 month ago

The grpahics look very nice, and fit. But… one thing doesn't look right, the men are standing up, yet the planes are viewed from the top? Do people stand sideways in this game? jw