
Posted by Scott_AW on March 2, 2007, 3:10 a.m.

No not you, them.

This whole yoyo games thingy seems like such a farce. When I first learned of GM I was excited and thrilled at its potential of expanding the amatuer gaming universe as well as allowing me to take a new approach to game developing that allows more focus on design and content then trying to learn the very depths of C and Delphi. What can I say, I more artisticly inclined then logicly but it doesn't me I don't like coding though.

What has me peeved is that Mark, who made this great program and thus created a community that spans both potentially great game creators to noobs just getting their feet wet, has joined with what I'd refer to as the enemy. Coorperate types…some once involved with Microsoft. I think the proof is in there website, something any highschooler taking a introductury multimedia class could have come up with. Hell, I'm sure 90% of the folks in the GM community could build better websites to represent GM…wait, they already have. Not just this one, which is by far my favorite community, even if the blogs(like this one) have little or nothing to do with actual game making.

Ranting aside, I think Mark made a big mistake.

And I'm double pissed about the online only registration shit thats in the GM7. This means I'm screwed since I have no interenet at home. Screwed out of the complete version…this however won't really stop me from using GM, I'll just keep working with 6.1 until I can resolve this registration BS.

Progress on my revisiting of COW rpg(soon to have a real name…not soon, but someday) I'm still working on the basic of the map editor, as my free time has been used playing the most difficult game Bethsuda Soft has ever made.

Call of Cthulhu DCOTE, and its difficult not only by its interesting approach at a first person thriller shooter, but also by its madly annoying graphic problems. Six years delayed and it isn't perfected? Its kinda sad really, because otherwise if it had the bugs fixed up and was released sooner it would have kicked ass. Of course its hard to really find out whose to blame for the graphic problems, I needed to switch to the newest drivers to play through certain areas, but I go back to the drivers that came with the card for other games. For some reason Nvidia's idea of compacting drivers into one turned out to be a rather stupid one.

Seems that they're just cursed with bad release dates, Daggerfall stands out as a good example, a massive amazingly detailed(for the time) RPG that still has nothing to compare with it.

Aside from the annoying problems of COC:DCOTE, its still a pretty fun game. Its use of a sanity level(not as fancy as Eternal Darkness) and regional damage(arms, legs, head, torso) make for a challanging play. It puts you sort of in the characters shoes when you have to deal with both your physical health and your mental. Also it does have some of the most badass looking monsters I've seen in awhile.

Anyone else played it before? Anyone here ever play Daggerfall?

Thats it.


firestormx 17 years, 11 months ago

They're really not much as far as corporate stereotypes go.

Now that Mark has joined them, I suppose you think of him as a coroporate stereotype now too? Not to mention that before he "joined" them, he was a professor - a part of tha system man. :o

Also, have you been to lately? It's not exactly a "I sneer down at you, topsites" website.

People just really need to chill out with this stuff, or do some research into what YYG is, and what Mark plans to allow them to do with GM. You people make it sound like he's signed over the rights to it, and now they're going to take out any pixel that is coloured red to censor violence. What's the worse that Mark joining with YYG could do to GM? A lot of people seem to think that for some reason, YYG is going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on a product that they intend to destroy.

And remember, Sandy was head something-or-other of Microsoft's XBox in Europe. I think he learned a thing or two about how to keep people happy while working with MS.

Argh! *throws hands up* Just take a step back, take a look around, and think logicaly, people.

Scott_AW 17 years, 11 months ago

Well I see as a coroporate stereotype as one who talks around issues and attempts to show they know more about how things work then they really do. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to start viewing Mark in a different light, he's only human. I meerly speak from job experience, working from CompUSA, to Target, to Jack in the Box and ending up working at a newspaper company for about a year now doing Pre-press and photo correction, I've seen both the good and the ugly as far as working class people can get. And from what I've learned over the years is that you have people who say lots and do little, and those who say little, do alot, and get ignored or layed off. Its all suck. Sadly its those up high that tend to be more ignorant then the average joe flipping burgers. I'm not just coming out of the blue and jumping on the band wagon, I see them for who they are by their presentation and operation…maybe I am wrong and jumping the gun, but if I'm not then its going to be sad.

And besides, at least the original website had actual content. I don't care if it was a master piece or not, content makes a page, then design.

firestormx 17 years, 11 months ago

*shifty eyes* I'm a corporate sterotype.

Also, for the general public, content is not more important than design, just as design is not more important than content. If you dont' have design, no one will stick around long enough for your content, and if you don't have content, everyone's going to egg your house for having such a beautiful design, with nothing on it.

I get what you're saying though, but YYG is still a WIP, and is still up and stuff, so I see no reason for complaining.