Better then before

Posted by Scott_AW on May 19, 2007, 1:40 a.m.

The engine I'm working along is coming along rather nicely.

To improve detail I've created a variable that controls the 'detail' level of a map. Basicly what it does is the higher the detail level is at, the more polygons are used to make walls and floors, making light shading look smoother. It still needs some work.

The screenshot is with a detail level of 2, meaning that all wall and floor segements are made of a total of 8 triangles instead of 2 which detail level 1 would produce. This level of detail can only be set prior to level loading since the level is made prior to game time off a text document containing texture and tile placement.

The background & fog is a dark blue instead of a usual black for darkness, creates a nicer look I think.

The computer used to get the frame rate in the shot is using a 64mb Geforce4 MX 440 / 1.9 ghz pentium and 512 mb ddr ram.

To check out the tech demo download here


I forgot to mention in the info or text file included that you use Z and X to move up and down, there is no collision detection as of yet.


stampede 17 years, 9 months ago

Whoa :o I don't know why, but that screenshot reminds me somehow the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I need to get somewhere where is better computer than this one I'm using. I just have to test this.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 9 months ago

Darn, I was just thinking about making a small dungeon crawler then this comes out again.