Two down, two done.

Posted by Scott_AW on July 22, 2007, 9:31 a.m.

Made my first enemy. Thats the red guy in the screen shot. The player is the blue one.

So far I've got a handful of dynamicly useful tiles done, they blend well. As far as animation goes the player's character currently has about 45 frames which break down into 'walking' 'dying' 'summoning weapon' 'attacking with weapon' 'blocking' and 'standing restlessly'.

The enemy is pretty much done with simple movement (they's the weak ones so their slow and shufflely) attacking and dying.

It looks like they're dancing.

Things to do? Well tons more tiles of course, and I need to make a jump, crouch and slide animation for the player, and later the special abilities.

So far the gm6 file is a might 90kb.


wiredbomb0 17 years, 6 months ago

looks great. i reacon animating sprites in GM is harder then writing d3d lol

Arcalyth 17 years, 6 months ago

the only hard part about d3d is collision checking

Shork 17 years, 6 months ago

Animation is really hard. You gotta remember what image number does what, and how to order them. If you're trying to get two sprites to interact, like one guy hitting the other, then it become exponentially worse. But I have no processing power for 3D so 2D is what I have to do.

Scott_AW 17 years, 6 months ago

Collisions and maintaining a good FPS is the hard part about d3d. But the simpler a sprite is the easier it is to animate.