Swift BS progress.

Posted by Scott_AW on July 27, 2007, 12:48 p.m.

I'm not sure if its the sudden appearence of free time(girlfriend has a hobby now, yay) or the simiplicity of making a pixel game entirely in GM(This will not include sound effects or music) but things are moving nicely.

From what you can see, I've got a HUD, a minimap(can be hidden/shown) and another enemy unit.

So one melee unit and one projectile and the first boss.

You'll notice from the HUD above that there are three icons (sword, shield, spark) that represent your rank in damage, defense vs. damage and magic ability. As you increase in rank through finding or being rewarded with rank increasing items, your attacks will grow stronger and larger(maybe even more graceful) and you'll gradually take less damage(1/8 – > 1/7 –> 1/6) and be able to cast spells which I haven't thought of yet.

Levels are decently sized (512x1024 is the smallest size so far), and so far I've got 3 complete and a fourth one coming.

Demo? Maybe sometime…


wiredbomb0 17 years, 5 months ago

looks great, a demo would be nice. HUD looks nice also

Cesque 17 years, 5 months ago

I'm dying for a demo :P

melee-master 17 years, 5 months ago

Hm, you are progressing really swiftly. Looks great.