Updated engine preview.

Posted by Scott_AW on Dec. 31, 2007, 1:21 a.m.

I fixed up a few problems relating to trench tiles messing up in a certain area, turns out I just had the same model twice…

Also added a collision and gravity system, its not perfect, but it fits my needs. Maps can be made of hundreds of models, mostly repeating, and I didn't have any time to figure out how to use the collision examples for U3d for my needs.

So I'm impatient and just cut the code from my pre-U3d code, intending to make it more accurate later.

I've also disabled the water effect for now, as a new effect conflicts with it.

The new effect: Double pass fog.

(The normal view and then the two fogged overlays)

I got the idea while looking at the volumetric fog example for U3d, found on its message boards.

It consists of a single camera the renders a heavily fogged and darkened version of what you see, and then a less heavily fogged. One is rendered at 128x128 and the less dense fog is rendered at 256x256. The two are then layered over the may overlay to make a more out-reaching looking fog.

Random screenshot.

Town with roads and grass patches

New demo release:

Engine Demo 2 (3.5mb)

Texture pack (5.5mb)(needed if you haven't downloaded the previous demo, if you did, just copy the gfx folder from the old one.)

Best map coords to run:

0x, 0y – 3x, 0y – 4x, 0y – 0x, 2y – 0x, 3y –14x, 14y

New requirements:

1.5ghz processor

512mb ram recommened(may run on 256, untested)

64mb video card.

*With the water disabled you no longer need to have a card that supports pixel shading.*

Number pad + and - increase amount of fog


Killpill28 17 years, 1 month ago

Nice, I don't make 3D games, but what you have here is very good for a GM run 3D environment!

Kudos to you!

Picc84 17 years, 1 month ago

May I ask what the spikey things coming up out of the ground are? lmao

melee-master 17 years, 1 month ago

Hmm… I tried to run them, but the game simply wouldn't run. It looks great from your screenshots though.

Cesque 17 years, 1 month ago

That's awesome. I guess I liked the 0,2 place most. I need to play with the editor later…

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 1 month ago

KillPill, he's using a DLL now. Not GM's inbuilt capabilities (or lack of them.)

gamehawk 17 years, 1 month ago

Sexy screens. I'd download, but I'm on my Linux.

Killpill28 17 years, 1 month ago

Awww, I though GM did all this! 0_o

Oh well, looks great anyways.

god 17 years, 1 month ago

I pressed T and my computer took a good 10 minutes to unfreeze. >.>

Its nice though.

Scott_AW 17 years, 1 month ago

Don't press T, I removed that in a new version

Scott_AW 17 years, 1 month ago

And theres a nice map on 14x 14y, also you can download a updated version that has day-night cycle, 1mb Exe update only