It won't black out the sun.

Posted by Scott_AW on March 7, 2008, 8:46 p.m.

Several new changes, and a few steps closer to finishing the combat engine.

As of now, units stats are randomly generated from the start of the room(and resets). These stats aren't displayed yet, but you can peak at them by holding 'control' in the newest demo linked below. Keep in mind that it will display all unit's stats so it -will- kill the frame rate.

The soldier's AI has been improved some, now they will march forward until a certain distance from the opponent and then rush to them. Brown still seems to win alot, maybe they're just lucky.

Don't be fooled by the shrunk screenshot, I've actually increased the width of the view from 800 to 1024, I just didn't want to strecth out the page. Also archers have been added. They stay put as long as an enemy is within range and keep pelting them with arrows. So far arrow damage is weak and consistant.

Newest Demo here.

There may still be bugs, and on older system, which I'm guessing the person who had the 6-9fps had.(can't recall though as I'm writing this in notepad.) You'll see the object count practicly double once the arrows start flying. So if you can post your ram and CPU speeds if your system can't sustain a good 30fps.

Otherwise I should be well on my way to setting up the interface and command system, I've already made the world map and single unit stat-sheet.


sk8m8trix 16 years, 10 months ago

Brown seems to have way more archers then blue. I like it so far, nice work man.

Scott_AW 16 years, 10 months ago

That probably isn't helping the blue out.

melee-master 16 years, 10 months ago

That was cool. I sustained a 30/30 framerate that never once dipped. System specs:

AMD Phenom 2.2Ghz Quad Core

DDR2-800 2GB RAM


Castypher 16 years, 10 months ago

That's an awesome use of depth. Can't say the same as melee, as I was at a constant 27 to 28, but at a 20 the first little while. AI is nice, but a bit bugged, but this thing is pretty cool. Also, brown keeps winning.

AMD Turion64 1.8 Ghz Dual Core

DDR2-800 1GB RAM

Grand-High Gamer 16 years, 10 months ago

Blue just pwnt the brownies the first two times.

Then brown won their asses, well mutal anihilation for the swordsmen, leaving brown's superior archer force to take out the blues. Ah. Fun times.

Firebird 16 years, 10 months ago

Constant 30.

Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 (Conroe) 2.4GHz, 4MB L2 cache, 1066MHz FSB

2GB OCZ DDR2 PC2-6400 Platinum Revision 2, 800MHz, CL 4-4-4-15, Dual Channel

Cesque 16 years, 10 months ago

The archers seem to just fire in the void - I guess some more targeting would be nicer.


Josea 16 years, 10 months ago

The blue guys always lose =(

elmernite 16 years, 10 months ago

I got a good 30 unless I tried to display the stats. Then it went down to an acceptable 20.


Cpsgames 16 years, 10 months ago

Looks pretty awsome