A Map and Lists

Posted by Scott_AW on March 17, 2008, 12:36 a.m.

Working on the interface and database, as of today I've got some of the basics done.

Made a small army of 20, a database of first and last names that is picked from when new units are generated. The font doesn't quite fit, but thats not a big deal for now. Still have much to do.

The war map, modified to show the concept of take overs. As you take over structures, any empty tile is added to your influence(the colored squares). The amount of land you control, and factoring in what structures you own, set your limits for population and maximum resource handling. There will be limits to how much of your population you can convert into military as well, you need someone minding those towns and mining those mines.

A breakdown of what each icon represents and its effect for you…

Town - Provides gold, food, beer, herbs, weapons and armor if controlled.

Keep - Provides weapons, armor and better metals(bronze and steel)

Castle - Provides gold, herbs, weapons, armor and better metals.

Mine - Provides one, any or all types of normal metals (copper,brass,iron)

Farm - Provides food and beer if controlled.

Forest - Provides wood and herbs if controlled.

Bridge - So you can cross over water since metal doesn't float well and it rusts.

Dock - Ships can load/unload armies here.

Temple - Donating food or gold may improve odds in your favor, you cannot capture these.

Capturing Towns is the best way to increase your population.

Capturing Castles and keeps increase the amount of troops you can have.


raz 16 years, 10 months ago

looks great

melee-master 16 years, 10 months ago

I like it.