I've began rehauling the interface for the Crawl's editor, starting with options. Also I've decided to be abit more organized and made a excell document that describes the new coding process.
The new process, which is just theory right now, will greatly improve the save/loading/processing of maps and may even greatly reduce file size. This will not effect the actual engine's speed when playing a level, however.Heres what the new option boxes look like. They're taller and more organized and detailed. More options have been added, as mentioned in a late addon on the previous post, the tile options will do a whole lot more then before. I've still the events and Npcs option boxes to do.And now for some screenshots of ivy growing on castle walls. Simply made by setting layer and contour and combining a brick texture with a leaves texture. As they are affected by like textures that are near, they make a nice effect of climbing on the walls.Another viewAnd heres a capture of the map the castle is on. What you can't see is that the layer below the two-tone blocks of the castle's outline(those are the ivy covered bricks) are simple walls set with the ivy texture. What this does is it tells the engine that there is like texture below and the contour'd leaves reach to the ground instead of stopping partway along the ground.In addition I'm debating creating a website for 'The Crawl' so I can make this more of a community project. The more variety in resources would mean the more variety in rpgs one could create with the engine.
Looks great
the ivory on the wall is crazy
ivory != vines
ivory comes from elephant tusksGreat, great, great screenshots. Looks super sexy =DThe website is a good idea, community-based or not, though community-generated content depends highly on hopw much a community is willing to generate - and the quality of it. I wouldn't expect that many people to contribute their own textures or maps, but then again, it could be fun.
That's always true.
Question: do you use X3d or GM 3D?
I had originally started with GM 3d.*Wolf whistle* Nice.
Excellent work, Scott_AW. I agree with Cesque that a website would be good, although I wouldn't want you to slow down work on this for the site. ;]
It will be a very simple site. I'm designing it in Open Office's writer. Which is a program I highly recommend. Its a complete MS Office clone that's 100% free and in some ways better…and in some ways not. But you can't beat the price.