Fun w/ Voxel

Posted by Scott_AW on May 2, 2009, 7:18 p.m.

So I found a little inspiration to do some work with Slab6(link below) a voxel editor. With the aide of Poly2Vox to create a flat wall template I started to create a section of space ship wall. I have the ambition in mind to create a small space ship or station out of voxel parts.

So in addition to detailing the exteriors of the pieces, I will also be doing them as if they are a complete chunk. This will be nice with the voxels ability to be destructable.

As of now this is just a simple art experiment, I'm using low resolutions to keep things simple and produce objects faster. The current example below is 48x48 I'm not sure how deep it is though.

This is an unfinished section of wall with a vent. The vent connects to a pipe in the back. I also intend to add more pipes and wiring to some extent.

Angle of section.

Back of section.

Front of section.

Later I'll see if I can put it all together in one of the provided programs in the links below.

Find Slab6 and more here


OBELISK 15 years, 9 months ago

Holy shit, I've never seen it done so well.

Scott_AW 15 years, 9 months ago

After playing around with it, its very easy to use.

Juju 15 years, 9 months ago

Nicely done Scott.

Cesque 15 years, 9 months ago

Awesome. I got Slab6, and coincidentally I also have Blood (the game), and thus a steady supply of models :P

I may be a total noob, but can you actually edit anything in Slab6, outside of palettes, or did you use Poly2Vox for that?

Scott_AW 15 years, 9 months ago

Well you can import palettes when you use poly2vox, so lets say you make a model with a paletted texture of the colors you will be using, then in slab you can import the palette from another vox file. Slab6 is a complete editor as far as I know. Alot of it is hot key driven, so you'll have to keep the readme open for awhile to learn all the commands.