Its bigger than you.

Posted by Scott_AW on May 14, 2009, 10 p.m.

With a few extra pieces, hull parts and such, I've nearly completed the back half of a space ship. Its kind of rough so some objects don't line up perfectly. Additionally this was not preplanned and just kind of developed on its own.

Some of the pieces are not finished, some will be touched up. The tube sections that make up the ship are pretty much uncolored.

Heres a few shots from the editor. Its pretty big, I nearly ran out of map space because I started it too close to the end of the map. The back half is still not finished, but I left it open to add in engine pieces once I finish them.

I also think I may have pushed the old engine a little far with the sheer scale of the ship, inside its fine, due to very nice backface culling and voxels rendering advantage over polygons, however once you get out thats when your computer will feel the pain. Provided your computer is lesser or equal to my dinosauric yellowish cased artifact.

And heres the map ran in JustFly, found in cavedemo around the voxlap community.

I took the liberty to shoot it up first. Unfortunatly the defualt filler color is brown, I'd rather it be black…anyways its something I'll worry about later.

For your own fun, you too can blow the crap out of my unfinished ship with the link below. Do -NOT- get the red blaster unless you have some sort of super computer as using it will freeze your system like the nipples of an ice witch. Its unpleasant. So avoid the swirly redness. One fun thing you can do is carve out chunks of the ship by shooting around them to watch huge pieces fall away. The lighting effects I've achieved in the voxlap editor do not seem to translate over, but then again it was noted in the readme as temp lighting. Something I suppose must be done in the engine than.

2mb download rar file.


If Ken Silverman, creator of the voxlap, does continue working on his engine, I may think to use it for The Crawl. It would sure make the game/creator more formidable in ways it was not.


Ferret 15 years, 9 months ago

That looks awesome, I want to download it, but my computer has problems with rar files, I've tried several converters… (it's an old piece of junk that takes 10 to 20 minutes to start up >_>) Got any zips?

Scott_AW 15 years, 9 months ago

Sure, its a little bigger, but compared to what it compressed down from…

MMOnologueguy 15 years, 9 months ago

That was impressively annoying, what with the inverted vertical mouselook.

Other than that, 'twas epic.

Scott_AW 15 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, I don't like inverted mouse either.

PY 15 years, 9 months ago

That's really fucking cool, except the inversion.

You also weren't joking about the red blaster :(