SS vox test

Posted by Scott_AW on May 31, 2009, 11:42 p.m.

Well I have a sample of what I've been playing with, a voxel like top-down or side-scroller engine.

Unlike your traditional voxel engine(for which there are few) this one does not use ray casting. Mostly because it doesn't need to.

The current test I'm providing is using a 42x42x12 voxel box with simple random noise generated holes and a slice cut out of it.

You can use arrow keys to adjust the camera position, basicly moving the voxel object. Read the attached readme in the file for basic commands.

The current draw setup is kind of rough and needs work, as it overdraws, but I'm all about pushing the limits to see where the range of possibilities lie.

Currently running in 320x200 32bit full screen resolution, refreshing the visuals every 30ms. The scene is built of boxs but not cubes. That will be a little trickier. Keep in mind this is a from scratch attempt, as I just cannot wrap my head around the code used in traditional voxel engines quite yet….well, haven't had the time to really make sense of it.

So if you feel daring, you can check it out Here or forever hold your piece.


Juju 15 years, 8 months ago

Snowmoons? BLARRGGHH

Xxypher 15 years, 8 months ago

We have a spy among us!

sirxemic 15 years, 8 months ago

Hey, 64D is fully functional now. No need to visit websites made of fail. Never was, actually.

Scott_AW 15 years, 8 months ago

Well for one I did attempt to upload files here and continue getting errors. So blah. And I need to clean out my files anyway. Which don't work by the way.