While this place was down I wondered aimlessly for a brief period before deciding to just make a blog site.
Find it here.Of course it will be different than what I do here, more to the point and about details instead of a random assortment of words and ideas spewing out like a broken pipe….its not really going to be much different now that I think about it.Anyways you can check out my spectacular assortment of links to stuff you may or may not have already see, including and but not excluding portfolios on my ArtBistro site and general photobucket picture dumping grounds.Plus most of my released demos that were lost here can be found there.A couple of things for here though,1) Im considering redoing 'The Crawl', but instead of going with U3d or some other dll, I'm actually going back to pure GM with maybe some SFXs handle by other code/dlls. This is mostly because I liked how it looked with a vertex coloring vs overlaying a texture to make it look shaded. Although I may forgo GM altogether and do it in FreeBasic with openGL, would definatly run faster.2) My RPG remake was seeing a little progress, I've concieved some new ways of doing the levels. Additionally combat mockup and stat overlay mockups too.3)Playing around with Build, you know that thing that came with Duke3d? Mostly just importing tiles from Black Shadow to make low-res maps. 4)And doing new tiles for my Sci-Fi Experiment with Voxels. Some yet to be converted tiles done up in sketchup.
Looking forward to your voxel experiment. Voxels are pretty fricken sweet.
That they are. Although I don't know were to begin in messing with Voxlap's source code yet. EvalDraw(also by Ken Silverman) supprots voxels and works like an all script Game Maker or Dark Basic with real-time compiling. Its nice but could use some features.