Interesting find

Posted by Scott_AW on Sept. 16, 2009, 10:10 p.m.

Its long been a hobby of mine to hunt the net for various game engines to play with. Some have revealed useful tools like Game Maker and some not so useful or utterly complicated…to me.

Yesterday I found something quite interesting as I was toying with the idea of a 2d/3d platform game. Its just another concept eating up my time for other projects but what the hell, its all in fun.

Currently taking a mini-break from Shield Breaker, which is coming along nicely sans music. I've even began implementing a new method of play where shield is removed and your score is in its place. Still needs some work to make it more challanging and playable at the same time.

So what I found was a familiar looking program called Cre8or, which apparently is used by another unrelated program. Found here. A direct link do to how difficult it was to find in google and equally impossible to find in Bing. Take that Bing, you stupidly named search engine.

Cre8or3d is similar to game maker in setup but designed to function with Anim8tor…pretty much making it a more user friendly Blender for which makes my brain feel blended whenever I look at it.

Yes yes there are better programs out there but I like innovative indie stuff. Feels like you're supporting the common good.

So I may attempt to make something with it, leaning towards side-view adventure like game setup and have began designing some models in Sketchup. Unfortunatly sketchup is showing its flaws as I work with it and may end up using Anim8tor for all aspects of developement. Some sample kitchen junk for a scene below.


Alert Games 15 years, 5 months ago

interesting. i would like a better way of making models that i could use in game maker. either that or i need a modeler lol. but currently im not on that kind of project but in the future this kind of thing may be of interest.. :|

Scott_AW 15 years, 5 months ago

It still seems to be in the early stages, but at least it doesn't seem to be dead.