I forget exactly were, but somewhere there is a contest involving platform exploration games, that can be embedded into websites.
Now I know Yoyo has there upload to there site feature and there is something out there that can supposedly port GM games(in my case 6.1 or 5).Aside from that, I got a great idea that combines the voxel look, low-res and pixel graphic.The viewport will be 160x120 projected to 640x480 or 800x600 using views so that the pixel will not be blurred.Combining a object system and tile layers to create multi-layered backgrounds that pan slowly to create a 3d voxel look.Concept is a economical crisis leading to abandon cities that you need to explore to find items to survive.Some early snapshots:And a very early test demo to check out the possiblities of the effect. Tap arrow keys to move scene around. http://www.filefactory.com/file/a0ah25d/n/econapo_01_zip
Here's a competition idea: Make the best game possible in two weeks. No theme, no limits.
Well I think I have around two weeks for the deadline.
@dabridge: I lol'd
@dabridge lolol