Embedder to try, hard to find.

Posted by Scott_AW on Sept. 20, 2009, 3:50 p.m.

It really was hard to find…

I was searching around for embeding programs for gm. GMBED requires GM7 now and I have given up on getting that to register. Theres also pineapple and dolphin, but both are early off.

Then I found GMX, now renamed NextPlay.

Found here

I forgot how I found it before, some wiki page I believe, but searching for it in Bing yielded no link, google was just as tricky. I had to search for 'gmx game maker nextplay' in google.

Anyways it another embedding program, which I presume uses ActiveX controllers. I've done some testing with it, like converting black shadow. Doesn't seem to want to go into the window but maybe its how I had the game setup. Didn't read through any docs.

Curious to check it out? Let me know what you can do with it. I do believe it has some issue with GM6.1 converted to Vista, even though it says it supports them.


SteveKB 15 years, 5 months ago

you're still using gm6?

Scott_AW 15 years, 5 months ago

Its all about the 6. And with Yoyo wanting me to pay for 8…its all about the 6.