MEGA Palette and Snapshots

Posted by Scott_AW on Sept. 29, 2009, 6:41 p.m.

A unsorted(except by preexisting order) and somewhat repeating, capture of my 'Super' swatch in Photoshop, recently slapped together from Duke3d, Doom and Heretic palettes to create the ultimate in color sampling pleasure.

One day I'll sort it out to make the Mega Swatch, but til then, this should work.

I decided to make this when I started the fake-voxel sidescroller engine, mentioned in the last two post. Very nice and handy to have, so get it for yoursel and have some coloring fun. I can provided the actual swatch file for anyone who as either A) Photoshop or B)anything that can use a PS swatch.

As for the side scroll game, Its …coming along! Some more refinement is being done, I kind of slapped it together in the first 12 builds, now its on to organizing, reducing code calls to single scripts and all that fanciness.

Also I've been playing with having snow fall, when it hits the ground it creates a 'tile' of the snow to simulate build up. Setting a position and range of area that the snow collects was easy. Having it check the tiles so that it collects on objects and such was a little trickier as a tile is a square and caused snow to hover around things….it also caused a lot more lagging.

Note wise, 1/3 of the exterior map has been plotted, enemies sketched, NPCs conceptualized and tiles being made. Do to the smallness of it all, it makes making the graphics easy. Its the quantity of graphics required that stands to be the challange, since the map can be either made from object placement or even prescripted and using no objects at all.

Falling snow is not particles but objects, I found that sometimes particles are not faster than having objects…plus it let me code the objects to draw themselves onto the tile layer allowing snow buildup. Multiple depths also used.

Original stress test I performed on the Acer. I let it keep making objects until the frame rate reached 30 with a room speed of 999.


Scott_AW 15 years, 4 months ago

For you photoshop users. If I ever get around to organizing it some I put up a new one, or if anyone else feels like doing it that would be sweet.

Scott_AW 15 years, 4 months ago

Now I feel old.

MahFreenAmeh 15 years, 4 months ago

i think i had something to say