*update*Even/Odd Lock Map Game

Posted by Scott_AW on Nov. 14, 2009, 8:27 p.m.

*Download was updated to correct a bug, additional graphic added.*

So I made a puzzle game in which added multiplied values unlock adjacent blocks, with your goal of getting to the X spot.

And I still can't upload, who do I bug about that again?

Well since I can't upload it as WIP, it really only has a few things left before its done, lets here your comments on this little puzzle game I whipped up as a prototype for a mobile phone game.

Its simple and yet hard, depending on how you go at it, and your strength in basic math and multiplication.

Basic Instructions

Even/Odd Lock Map Puzzle Game (proto-type v1.0)

Use arrow keys to navigate the main map, you can only move into open(3x3 inset grid) blocks.

Enter to enter puzzle solving mode. You may press enter before completion to cancel.

You are allowed to use 1 of each number 1-9, even if a preset number already exists.

You cannot change a number once set.

After you set all numbers, their totals will be added and multiplied amongst themselves, revealing either odd or even number.

Match top/bottom and left/right even/odd values to adjacent blocks on the main map to open them, or lock them out if you do not match.

The game will not end on its own, to restart press Backspace.

Reach the X block and press enter to win.

Escape will exit the program.

F4 switches between full and window mode.

Block descriptions:

Even Number Lock

Odd Number Lock

Locked-out Block

Open Block

Completed Block

Finish Block

*Get it here!*

I'm -pretty- sure that its -mostly- bug free. So let me know if it isn't. The few things that aren't done are some graphical bits and scoring.


DesertFox 15 years, 3 months ago

A bit funky - it took a bit of trial and error to understand what was really going on. It could definitely benefit from a more in-depth explanation.

I like the graphics though.

Scott_AW 15 years, 3 months ago

I'll have to re-write the help so it makes more sense, maybe put a demo mode to show how its played.

DesertFox 15 years, 3 months ago

Also, found an error:

It happened when I was in a corner.

Scott_AW 15 years, 3 months ago

Damn that error. I thought I fixed it…but looks like its occurring at another point in the code.

ATOGAMES 15 years, 3 months ago

Yay, I can use Game maker now!

And so , I was able to play your game.

It was fun.

I didn't get past the first level though…

Scott_AW 15 years, 3 months ago

There's a trick to winning, and it has nothing to do with the actual number values, odds and evens is what really matters.

sirxemic 15 years, 3 months ago

EDIT2: Actually, I think I got it.