*now w/ vid*Nearly finished, opinions?

Posted by Scott_AW on Nov. 19, 2009, 12:57 a.m.

*Video is of a slightly more updated version, notice points now tally up when coins enter instead of automatic like in the current demo.

Well its just about nearly wrapped up, so heres the 'lite' version of EvO LockMap, as I'm currently calling it.

I call it the lite version for two reasons, first is since its going to be for mobile phones, it has limits to content, secondly I'll be doing a larger version(larger game map) for a web based version. I'm going to attempt to learn Java…maybe even look into Android developement.

So we got a full working menu system, title screen, new/modded graphics and gimmicks. Includes a working Top-10 score.

Escape - Bring up menu

Backspace - Retry or Quit game (retry cost 1g)

Enter - Select block, complete or cancel puzzle(cost 1g for fail)

To play, you must arrange numbers so that the sums of the rows/cols when multiplied create an Even or Odd value that unlocks corresponding blocks. See previous blog for block descriptions.

Locking out a block cost you 1g, unlocking a block gives you 1g.

Completing the level gives you a coin for every block on screen, yay.

A out of date screenshot, you'll see why if you play.

Download Heres

Still to do, add sound, clean up code, and maybe add bonuses or something. Not quite sure. Nows the time for your two-cents.


Cesque 15 years, 3 months ago

Agreed with other people's comments: takes a while to understand, but once you get to it, it's pretty simple. I liked it, even though I'm not generally good at (or into) math games.

It would be nice to have some things more automatic (like victory/loss), also, one silly comment: pressing up/down makes you go back to the same vertical row if you cross the edge, but pressing left/right changes the horizontal row, would be nice to have that consistent :P

Scott_AW 15 years, 3 months ago

I get the comment about the auto loss, but victory is obtained by selecting the X square, something I might of forgot to mention.

Figuring out loss is kind of tricky, map info is in a single dimensional array, hence why the row change occurs, but not the col, since I actually programmed that right. 8P

Still need to make a good understandable instructions screen and demo.

Cesque 15 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, but being able to get toe X square may count as an autovictory just as well (vide: chess) ;)