GLbasic lite, going well

Posted by Scott_AW on Jan. 12, 2010, 9:13 p.m.

So I've started the process of writing several of my games into GLBasic, so far so good.

Rick Jason being converted…

Another rpg being converted…

I'm rather happy with how things are going, and since its all being coded from scratch, I have complete control over developement.

So far there isn't anything that can't be done in GLBasic that you can do in GM, so thats a good start. A plus is that its easy to keep track of things coding is going rather fast.

Rick Jason currently only has the basics, shooting, moving. Enemies can be added as objects, but so far they do nothing.

The rpg game uses an array of 16pixel squares, reading is done in a way that the far off objects are drawn first, thus behind the foreground. I draw the player after the first row is drawn that he occupies so that he's always above that row.

The rpg game was originally made in Mo Mini's studio, which had a lot of limits. That kind of slowed developement down to a crawl, and was eventually tossed. Now it seems like I can quickly make the game engine…provided I have the time to do it.

GLBasic may cost a bit more then GM8, but they're also still indie, charge only once and can port to linux, win32, GP2X Wiz, Wii, Xbox Linux, iPhone, and I believe Apple as well. Did I mention its easy to work with?


Juju 14 years, 12 months ago

GLBasic, eh? I'm working with FreeBasic at the moment, using Allegro as a game library.

Scott_AW 14 years, 12 months ago

I like how FreeBasic handles too, but I needed something that could port to more OS's and devices.

The nice thing about Freebasic is all the fancy variable handling you can do, having more control on how much memory your program takes up.