EvO in GLBasic,

Posted by Scott_AW on Jan. 23, 2010, 1:08 a.m.


GLbasic alpha version

actually, this one has the proper drawing for the puzzle, well not perfect, but now it won't devour your memory.

Download evo_glbasic_alpha2.zip

GM6.1 embbed version

Its just the first level, no coins yet, instance score, will not end when you select the X. Although you will notice if you seen the previous incarnation that the puzzle box has had another facelift.

Other then that, the basic game play works fine.

You use the arrow keys to move the cursor to open squares. Enter to open puzzle box, use 1-9 to set the empty boxes. The product of the sum of the rows/cols creates even or odd values that open adjacent blocks to the cursor.

Right now it doesn't tell you if you made an even or odd, but you'll find out with a calculator or watching boxes open or close.

Things I still need to do include cleaning up the code, making the puzzle portion more efficient(draws text too often, as in every frame) and so on.

Although the audio isn't in there, and graphics are now stored in a handy single file apart from the exe, the total is quite smaller then the GM version. I haven't had a chance to compare the two in how much memory they eat up, nor have I compiled this version in the most updated version of glbasic.

I have GLbasic installed on a flash drive, but its stuck at an old version, which I used to compile this. My home system has the more updated version that had a large boost in speed, so its not quite comparable yet.

Of course there's still a bunch of other crap I need to do, menu, retry system, audio, drop/pop coins, and so on. Then it will be time to surpass the gm version.


Cesque 15 years ago

Some comment so that your blog doesn't feel lonely:

At first I thought the cursor keys don't work, but I forgot you need to unlock something first to move around the board. When solving the puzzle, holding down left/right does two steps rather fast (you really have to tap the key fast to move it just one space), which is a bit annoying, but I'm guessing that's the consequence of porting it ;)

Scott_AW 15 years ago

Actually its me not using a proper delay for key press. Still working on that.