Well, it was fun, but now for an actual game.

Posted by Scott_AW on Feb. 19, 2010, 10:31 p.m.

Playing around with freebasic and opengl worked out pretty well, although I learned of a glitch in my generation code that may require a little reworking. It resulted in a solid cube having checkered holes, which may or may not be how I set up the vetrices, or something else. Either way, it needs to be redone.

So to take a break from hard coding and mathmatical challanges, I decided to retake on my retake on remaking an rpg I did awhile back. Originally I had slapped it together in about 10 days, per contest rules, made in VERGE. Unfortunatly unless you have a computer running win98 or below, it won't work.

I had contemplated before, redoing all the graphics.

However, I decided as of recently I wanted to push it out quicker, so instead I simply be using its original overworld graphics and sprites. Some retouching needs to be done, as they were quickly done. Additionally more variety is needed in the tiles.

I did decide on using the redrawn monsters though, as the originals were MSpaint abortions.

Two special things I did startup on the previous remake concept are a day-night cycle with affected shadows, and a data-tree like communication system using arrays and event flags.

Additionally, I decided to go the ultra-low resolution route instead of a higher one. Originally the game was 320x200, then later on I started working on a 512x384 one(the pictures above). Now it will be like my experimental fake-3d game, 160x128 projected to 320x256. I increased the vertical height beyond normal so that its divisable by 16, the standard tile size.

I'll be basing it loosely it off the original map. Expanding it a little up north and to the west as I revise it. Breaking it up into 480x384 sized rooms.

Biggest reason I started this, I need a break from hard-coding my own engines. Its cool and all, gives you a lot of control, but I still like making the actual games more so. So hopefully, I can at least pop out an rpg to fill and otherwise gameless gap. Most of the stuff I've been doing has been precusors to creating conceptual game styles.

One slight draw back is that the original used a bunch of xm and s3m(modular music). It was all free music, but I'll either have to convert them to MP3s, or find new tracks.

Download 7thR7thS_music.zip

Heres the original score, but I've don't know which tracks went to what exactly. I have all the old code that says what went to what, but haven't looked into it yet.

I could drop them and look for midis, either that or find a composer to make some new stuff. Of course, I'm not planning on selling this, so I may just go with free music.


The Avatrol 15 years ago

Zelda map?

Scott_AW 15 years ago

No no, I made that. Zelda-esque though.

Castypher 15 years ago

That the battle screen there in the second screenshot? Looks pretty cool.

Cesque 15 years ago

The new character looks weird, but I like the graphics change, actually (the old non-combat screenshot looked a bit meh, especially considering the character perspective, to be honest).

Btw. if you're adding shadows, add them for everything (ie. the character) ;) Sure, from that perspective the shadow may theoretically not be visible, but it still looks weird.

Scott_AW 15 years ago

Well I'll be going low bit on this one. I'll also be redoing and touching up some of the old graphics for the overworld. They're like…10 years old?

I've considered adding shadows to all objects. The terrain may be too much to do, but trees, characters, ect. shouldn't be a problem.